Chapter 14 - Safe

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Elliot POV

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Elliot POV

Once the explosion stopped we all ran in, thankfully nothing blocked the tunnel or vault access but when we turn around the corner the scene I see makes me feel sick, my angel against the wall with a slab on concrete on her stomach. She has a cut on her head and has blood over her face and hands. She starts closing her eyes and I can't help but scream.

Elliot – NO!!

I jump over everything and get to her and try to lift the concrete off myself, I scream for Logan and Paul and they come running but Paul stops dead seeing his sister hurt, I scream at him and it makes him snap out of whatever he was thinking. They help me get the slab off and I pick her up and move slowly over and then once I'm at the tunnel I run out with her.

I get outside and her dad and Marcus come running over.

Elliot – I need a paramedic!

They come running over.

Paramedic 1 – What happened?

Elliot – She had a slab of concrete on her stomach and I think the blast threw her into the wall which caused her to hit her head.

One looks at her head and the other cuts her top open to see if there any damage.

Paramedic 1 – The head wound isn't to bad, she might have concussion when she wakes up but not lasting damage but we won't know for sure until a doctor does a scan. How is her stomach?

He looks at the other paramedic.

Paramedic 2 – Honestly I don't know there could be internal bleeding but we need to get her to hospital to check her over and do scans. From looking there is no big bulges so I think nothing has burst or ruptured but I can't be sure.

I grab him by his shirt and start shouting.

Elliot – Then get her to fücking hospital! I don't know why your still standing here!

I look at everyone and they are all looking at me in shock, I'm not surprised because no one has seen me this angry ever. I can see the paramedics looking at me frightened and they should be, I've killed people and not blinked and I would kill anyone for my angel!

They nod there head at me and get her on a stretcher and they get her in the ambulance, I turn to her dad and brother and they tell me to go, I run and jump in and we head off to the hospital.


It's been 3 hours since we got here, they took Callie away as soon as we got here and they haven't been out since, everyone is here apart from Jonas and Oliver. Axel and Amy have gotten pretty close over the past 2 months and he only lived an hour away so he drove here right away when he heard the news. He wanted to support everyone and be here for Callie and Amy.

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