Chapter 20 - Decisions

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Callie POV

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Callie POV

I am 19 weeks pregnant which is almost 5 months if people find it easier to work out monthly instead of weekly, it's been 2 months and 3 weeks since we saw our little one and I had the coil removed, it wasn't pleasant having someone's finger in my area, it's different if it's yourself or partner but I got it over with.

I think I spoke to soon 2 months ago when I said to my mum and dad that I was okay just tired because a week later I've been suffering badly, morning sickness which I got with Annie but I never went off food with Annie, with this little one anything with fish in and coffee I hate, I can't eat fish or smell it otherwise I'm puking my guts up and coffee is the worse because everyone in the house drinks it.

I wake up early as normal and thankfully a few weeks ago my morning sickness stopped but unfortunately I am still puking my guts up when I smell something I don't like, I head downstairs and make myself a peppermint tea and see April is in the garden watching the kids run around. I head over and take a seat and she smiles at me.

April – Morning sweetheart.

Callie – Morning.

April – How are you feeling? You can tell your getting bigger.

She looks down at my belly, I'm still in my white nightdress but you can see my bump, it's not small but it's not huge, I say it's just about right but I'm definitely struggling to get into my jeans, I brought maternity jeans a month ago as my jeans stopped fitting and it looks like I'm going to have to buy more because the ones I brought aren't doing up now either.

She looks down at my belly, I'm still in my white nightdress but you can see my bump, it's not small but it's not huge, I say it's just about right but I'm definitely struggling to get into my jeans, I brought maternity jeans a month ago as my jea...

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Callie - I'm doing okay, I need new clothes but apart from that I'm fine as long as no one eats fish or drinks coffee.

She laughs at me.

April – Have you felt her kick yet?

I chuckle.

Callie – What is it with you and Elliot as well thinking it's a girl?

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