Chapter 28 - Party Time

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Callie POV

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Callie POV

Me and Molly arrive at the hospital and I see the our normal doctor.

Callie – Where is he? I'm going to kill him!

The doctor laughs at me.

Doctor – Come with me, he is completely fine, it was a scratch across his bicep, the bullet just scraped past it but it did need a few stitches.

Callie – So he is fine?

Doctor – Completely fine.

Callie – Well enough for me to kick his arse?!

Doctor – Definitely but don't hurt his left arm.

Callie – Noted!

He leads us to his room and I hear him laugh, I burst through the door and see him laughing joking with some man.

He leads us to his room and I hear him laugh, I burst through the door and see him laughing joking with some man

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Callie – Who the hell are you and why are you laughing Elliot Nixon! Your in so much trouble!

Andrew – Who the fuck are you!

Elliot – Andy watch it!

Callie - I'm his fiancé and the mother of his son dick head!

The man who Elliot calls Andy stands up and comes over and hugs me.

Andrew – Elliot never told me you were a looker! I'm Andrew Nixon his older brother and you're the lovely Callie I've heard about.

Elliot – Okay okay stop hitting on my angel! Where's mum?

Molly – Right here, I was asking your doctor some questions. Andrew is that you?

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