Chapter 31 - Talking

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Callie POV

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Callie POV

It has been a few weeks since Luke hit me and everything, he still hasn't told us what has happened but he has an appointment coming up soon with a child councillor. He hasn't been to school as he refuses to go and keeps himself locked in his room. Paul has put in for retirement for the army, he was going to go back but he said he needs to be here for his kids.

He has a meeting today and April is going with him for support and I offered to watch Noah, Luke and Violet not that they needed it since they are grown up. Elliot has gone to work and I'm in the kitchen starting to make little elf some scrambled egg on toast and myself a coffee, I start pouring the coffee and all of a sudden I feel like I need to throw up.

I rush to the sink that is over the other side of the counter and puke my guts up, I finish and rinse my mouth and I see Aragon standing there looking at me with tears in his eyes.

Aragon – U ick mama!

Callie - I'm okay little elf, just a bug.

Aragon – Ug not ood!

Callie – It's okay sweet boy I will be okay I promise.

I pick him up and kiss his cheek and then tell him to carry on colouring in his Thomas the tank engine colouring book, I sanitise the sink and then go back over and carry on making breakfast, I had to turn the coffee machine off because it was making me want to be sick again.

When Violet gets here I will take some tablets and rest on the sofa, she is old enough to look after the kids but I will still be near if she needs me. I finish making food for little elf and I was going to eat myself but I can't stomach it so I give him his plate and he pushes his colouring book aside and then starts eating and looks up at me.

Aragon – Ank u mama!

Callie – Your welcome little elf.

I kiss him head and decided to make myself a peppermint tea hoping it will help with this nausea. I hear a knock on the door and then it opens and Violet shouts.

Violet – It's just us auntie Callie.

Callie – In the kitchen.

They all come in, Noah is holding Violet hand and Luke is walking with his head down and he comes over and hugs me then Aragon and goes out into the backyard.

Violet – You look pretty this morning auntie Callie, I love the lounge wear!

Violet – You look pretty this morning auntie Callie, I love the lounge wear!

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