Chapter 22 - Funeral

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Callie POV

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Callie POV

It's been 3 weeks since the accident and we lost Marcus, I am now 31 weeks pregnant and the size of a house so I'm definitely sure it's a boy and a big boy at that but Elliot is still convinced it's a girl. Elliot's recovery has been tough because he still blames himself and feels he should suffer in pain for what he did even though he didn't do it.

Elliot leg has healed and has a scar but his wrist and arm is causing the problem, he is struggling but trying to explain that it take six weeks to heal and then another six weeks of therapy is like talking to a brick wall, he should know considering we did this in our sergeant training.

It's the day of Marcus funeral, these past 3 weeks have been so hard, we didn't need to pay for a plot to put his body because he already brought a triple plot that has his wife and daughter in there so all we needed was to add writing to the headstone and pay for the service.

We told Danielle and she was devastated but she's been throwing herself in work to find out who the killer is, I asked Elliot if he thought it could be Kathleen considering white hair could be mistake for blonde depending on the light and he said it's possible considering how nuts she is.

It would make sense because Ray manage to win his court case of full custody with Olivia so it's more than likely she is giving us pay back but unfortunately as Danielle said there is no proof at the moment. She checked her out and her car was completely fine and she has an alibi that sticks at the moment but Danielle said she is going to peel away at it because she doesn't think it's a tight as they are making it.

She hasn't properly grieved she has just been working none stop, I know they had only been together about 6 months but she was definitely smitten with him and loved him but she never got to tell him. We have offered her to stay with us but she won't accept and said we don't need to bother with her now Marcus isn't here.

We told her that we will be there no matter what for her regardless of Marcus not being here anymore. We have all been struggling but me and dad the most, Marcus was like a brother to my dad and he was like an uncle to me, he helped me so much with dealing with Annie death because he knew from experience so losing him has been really hard.

But like I've been saying to everyone as hard as this is we need to make sure he has an amazing send off and he is now at piece with his wife and daughter. I am standing in front of the mirror looking at my self, I really struggled finding an outfit because of how big I've got.

So I went with a black long dress with a denim jacket to keep me warm , I didn't bother with makeup because I knew I could cry it off but I tied my hair up.

So I went with a black long dress with a denim jacket to keep me warm , I didn't bother with makeup because I knew I could cry it off but I tied my hair up

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