Chapter 34 - Freedom

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Callie POV

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Callie POV

It all happened so quick, Kathleen was there holding Olivia by the hair and the. Olivia kicked her and tried to run to me but some other man can out of nowhere and grab her and took her away, Kathleen walked towards me holding a gun to my head and then Elliot turns up and it all kicks off.

Ray was shot in the stomach and I wasn't sure if he would make it and I noticed Elliot holding his side so I know he got shot too. I was so pissed at Kathleen I had to beat the crap out of her! How dare she and Tim hold my family and little boy at gun point.

I never expected her gun to go off and for a second I thought she had got me and my baby but I realised I wasn't in pain anywhere I told Elliot it wasn't me and I see him go and check Kathleen and he lets out a deep breath and I know it's over but then he falls to the floor, I crawl to him and then he passes out.

So here I am once again at the bloody hospital because my man decided to get shot again! He seriously needs to stop giving me a heart attack, I am sat in the waiting room with everyone and Paul comes over and hugs me.

Paul – You okay?

Callie – I don't know, I know he is going to be okay because I saw the wound myself and it was just at the side and it scratched him so he passes out from blood loss but he will be okay once they stitch it up. Ray on the other hand I don't know.

He got hurt trying to save his little girl and all of us and all because some crazy wanted my life and was annoyed I got an amazing man. She had him and messed it up herself, she only had herself to blame but it wasn't enough for her.

Paul – I know sis but look she's dead finally! I know that sounds horrible but she deserved it after killing Liam and Annie and Marcus and hurting everyone else.

Callie – I know but now Olivia grows up without a mum, how is that fair?

We never heard Olivia come over, she has been playing with Noah and Aragon trying to settle them down, it amazes me how this little girl isn't even scared.

Olivia – Auntie Callie...

Callie – Yes sweetheart?

I pick her up and sit her on my lap.

Olivia – I am okay with not having a mummy as long as I have my daddy, you, uncle Elliot and your family! My mummy was horrible to me anyways.

I kiss her forehead and tear up.

Callie - I'm so sorry sweetheart, you should never of been in that situation.

Olivia – It's okay, I kicked her real good!

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