#16 Devastating News

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Laura POV:

We kissed. o_o

The moment i felt his lips onto mine, i felt a spark. Which is really weird. But i felt this thing my heart that lit up. Like someone turned on a light switch on my heart. His lips we're soft and smooth. We disconnected our lips after that. We looked at eachother with confusion. Now i'm starting to believe.. that... Love is real. No.. am i dreaming? We we're still looking at eachother with confusion. But then unexpectedly, we smiled.

        "What. Just. happened?" i ask him.

       "I don't know..." he replies, and he sits up in his regular position, hugging his knees with his legs on his chest. He watched the snow fall. I go over next to him and look with him.

        "What do you think.." I ask randomly. He looks at me, and looks back.

        "I just don't know... My hearts already broken.... Will it break again?" He says.

        "You know what they say.. You can't break whats already broken.....But you can fix it...." I say. He looks at me confused with a smile. I playfully roll my eyes and press my lips against his. Okay i have no idea why I just did that....Am I nuts? Didn't I make and exeption? That love isn't real? Am I finally knowing love? What do I do? I have all these questions running up and down in my mind. I even see them backwards. We pulled away slowly with our faces only centimeters away.

        "I just noticed something.." he says while not taking is eyes off of my face.

        "You make me smile." He says while his eyes turn red. He begins to cry. Wait what just happened? I'm confused. o_o

        "Ross whats wrong?" I say while hes looking down. He just smiles again.

        "Nothings wrong... These are tears of joy..." He says while wiping them off. I take off his winter hat and smiled.

        "I like this hat." I say while putting it on. "Isn't weird to snow in california? What type of weather is this?" I ask completely changing the topic.He just shrugs, and similes at the hat.

        "You can keep it." He says.

We just lay on the snow on our bellys, with our faces and bodies across from eachother.

        "So.." I say awkwardly.

        "So..." He responds while smiling. I rubbed snow in his face.

        "Hahhahaha!" I laughed and ran. He chased after me. We both laughed as we reach the front of my- scratch that... Our house. We walked in and put our coats, hats, and gloves away.

        "So wanna eat something.." I ask. I looked at his face. His nose was still red from the cold. He shaked his head, and then walked up the stairs. I raced up to follow him. I wanted to talk about what happened outside. To see his opinion. We both sat on my bed and looked at eachother.

        "So what did you want to talk to me about.." He says while tossing a gutiar pick up and down. I squinted to see what it said in hot pink.

        "What does that say?" I ask him. He hesitates and looks at me.

        "It says R5." He reponds and looks down.

        "Whats that?" I ask. He sighs sadly. Hm.. Okay...

        "Its a group with my brothers and my sister. we did music and all.." He answers. WAIT WHAT!?

        "Wait.. So how come i never see them? Aren't you an only child? What happened to them?" I ask with a confused look.

        "My parents..." He trailed off.

        "YOUR PARENTS WHAT!?" I shout. Tears formed in his eyes as he looked back at me.

        "Murdered them..." he says as tears slipped down his face.





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