14. The Party

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"You look amazing," Ron said, looking up and down at my blue dress.

"Really? It's not too much?" I asked, patting the front of it. I had no idea what people wore to these kinds of things.

"Nah, I'm pretty sure most girls wear dresses like that. I think," he said, walking over to a pile of clothes on his floor. He picked up a white t-shirt and jeans.

"Here's my nice outfit," he said, holding up the items to show me.

I rolled my eyes and looked at the clock. "It's 8:20," I said. "Hurry up."

"Okay, okay, I'm hurrying," Ron scrambled to change into his party attire.

"How do I look?" Harry asked, turning around in his own t-shirt and jeans combo.

"Great," I replied, and Ron gave him a thumbs up.

"Well, I'm heading down now. I don't want to waltz in late with you lovebirds," Harry shot, saying the word lovebirds in air quotes before slipping out the door.

"So, you nervous?" Ron asked, looking in the mirror at his new outfit.

My stomach churned just thinking about it. I really had no idea what to expect.

"A little," I admitted, fiddling with my hands.

Ron walked over close to me and put his hand on my back. "Well, don't be. I'll be there the whole time," he said.

My breath quickened at his soft touch on my back and I tried my best to not melt right then and there.

"Let's go," he said, stealing one last glance in the mirror to look at his hair. And off we went.


Ron opened the door to the Slytherin common room and I peeked in. We were instantly met with loud music, strobing bright lights, and lots of people. It was definitely unlike anything I'd ever been to.

Ron held the door open and followed me in. I squinted my eyes as they adjusted to the darkness.

"Wow," I said finally.

"I know," Ron said, looking around the room for someone. I assumed Hermione.

"Who invited you two?" we heard suddenly. We both looked up only to see the one and only, Draco Malfoy.

"We heard about it," Ron defended.

Draco rolled his eyes and scoffed, looking the both of us up and down.

"Well, come in, I guess," he said flatly, making a path for us to enter.

I followed Ron over to a table with drinks on it, most of them containing alcohol. Ron grabbed one and tossed it to me. "Drink up," he said, opening his own can and downing the beverage.

I was impressed with Ron's ability to drink it so easily, seeing as it was hard for me to take even a small sip. I decided to just hold on to it for now.

"Neville!" Ron suddenly exclaimed upon seeing his friend. He left my side and went over to greet the plant-loving Gryffindor.

Great, now I was alone. I looked around the room for a familiar face to go and talk to, but nothing was really that visible in the strobe lights.

I leaned back against the table all the drinks were on and took in the scene. The music was so loud it was shaking the wall a bit. If I focused hard enough, I could almost tune out all the noise.

"Where's your boyfriend run off to?"

I opened my eyes to see Draco standing next to me, leaning on one hand on the table. I took a step away from him.

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