lucille granger
"Don't make a scene, Onyx," Lorenzo Berkshire groaned, rolling his eyes. "It's not like you've never done it with fucking Blaise before."
This sent Onyx over the edge; her eyes widened and she almost spit out the chocolate frog in her mouth. "Lorenzo, for Merlin's sake, shut the fuck up. That was two years ago."
Lorenzo shrugged. "Doesn't matter."
Blaise sat there, palm on his forehead. "I am not here right now."
I pat his back. "It's alright, Blaise. I can see why. I mean, its Onyx, for fucks' sake — she's the most gorgeous girl on this train."
This caused Blaise to sink deeper into embarrassment, and Onyx slapped me on the shoulder.
Onyx. I met her first year, and we became friends on the train ride to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. We both got sorted into Slytherin and we've been pretty much inseparable ever since.
I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and pulled her into my arms. I played around with her hair, making it all knotty, then pushed her away. I got slapped, again.
Then I got shoved.
But not by Onyx.
By fucking Draco.
Merlin, I hate Draco Malfoy. That man has been in our friend group for all six years and he still can't treat me with the smallest bit of respect. He's always either giving me dirty looks, shoving me around, or calling me a mudblood. A fucking mudblood.
Lorenzo, Blaise, and Onyx are always trying to get him to be nice to me, but he never would.
He shoved me towards the window, crushing Blaise and Onyx in the process.
"Draco, what the fuck, man?" Blaise groaned.
"Draco, get the fuck off of me. There's plenty of room next to Lorenzo."
"I've spent too much time with him over the summer. How about you move?" He scoffed.
"Fine." I attempted to shove him off of me, but he wouldn't budge. I was so tempted to just spit in that boy's face.
His face.
Holy shit.
Merlin, his face. No one could deny it - Draco Malfoy was hot as fuck. I hate the boy, but...
"Done staring yet, Granger?"
I elbowed that boy in the chest. "Yeah, sorry, I just couldn't help but notice that you've just got this massive zit coming in on your forehead."
His hand went straight to his forehead, feeling for a bump. He'd be there a while.
I got up and sat on the opposite side by Lorenzo, who wrapped his arm around me and pulled me in close. "How was your summer, love?"
I snuggled into his chest and looked up at him. I remember having a crush on him last year. I never told him, because... well, I'm not very good at making the first move. Plus, I was scared of rejection. Aside from Onyx, he's been my best friend since year one. If he didn't feel the same way, which he doesn't because he was talking about his hookups with Luna Lovegood (ouch), it might have ruined our friendship or made it awkward.
Lorenzo was the definition of beautiful. Draco was hot; Lorenzo was beautiful. His brown wavy hair sat lightly on his forehead, parted through the middle. His soft brown eyes you could stare into forever. He had a button nose and full pink lips. Perfect eyebrows. But the thing I loved most about him was that he was kind to me. He never called me a mudblood. He always sticks up for me when Draco does. That's the difference between the two. Despite their differences, they were best friends.
"It was good. I stayed with Hermione and Ron at the Burrow."
"Invite me next time. I love Mumsy, but I can't bear to spend the entire summer with Draco again. He's always either complaining or doing Merlin-knows-what with Pansy."
Draco rolled his eyes. I gagged. "Come anytime you like. There's a pullout in the room I stayed in."
Draco huffed.
Enzo cleared his throat. "Hey, look what I got. Before I came to the station, I stopped in a Muggle town. A group of guys were selling this stuff." He pulled out a baggie filled with this ball of... dead grass or something. "Said its called 'weed', whatever that is."
"What's so special about it?" I asked.
"They said you can get high off of it, whatever that means. I kind of want to try. Anyone in?"
"Me, duh," Onyx and Blaise said in unison. They turned to face each other and laughed.
Lorenzo pulled apart the bag, opening it. A few seconds later, a horrid smell hit my nose. I coughed. "Fuck, Lorenzo, put that away. That smells disgusting."
Draco, Onyx, and Blaise shriveled their faces in disgust.
Lorenzo inhaled and exhaled, satisfied. "Doesn't smell bad."
"How can we even share that thing? We would all only get a tiny bite," Onyx said.
Enzo laughed. "You don't eat it, dummy, you smoke it."
"Okay, we are not smoking this disgusting substance in this train. Can we wait until we we get into to our dorms?"
"Yeah, close that up, Lorenzo," Draco coughed.
"Fine, fine. You guys better not bail on me when we get to our dorms, though." He sighed.
"I wouldn't dream of it," Blaise said.
No one talked for a few seconds.
"I'm tired. My sleep schedule is so fucked up right now. I think I'm gonna try to get a little sleep, if you guys don't mind."
"Please, do," Draco said, rolling his eyes again.
"Six years now, Draco. Can you just simply try to get along with poor Lucille, now? Goodness, you're driving me insane with your bullshit. What do you even have against her other that the pointless fact that she's not a pureblood like you?"
Draco looked out the window, not responding. Blaise and Onyx stopped their chatter to say sleep well.
Lorenzo started playing with my hair. "I'm sorry, Lucille. I'm going to try this year to get him to like you. Go to sleep, now, darling."

Fanfictiona lucille and enzo love story. - "What are we, Lucille?" Lorenzo sighed as he sank onto the bed, casually eyeing me. "We're just friends, according to you." He sat up and crept his body towards mine. His tall figure lurked down on me as I inhaled sh...