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lucille granger

Lorenzo and I squeezed through the door, where Onyx was standing on the opposite side. She gave me a slight wink as I passed her.

Outside the closet, no one seemed exactly fazed.

Onyx must have distracted them or something. I really did owe her.

We sat down back on the floor, alongside Blaise. I noticed Draco giving Lorenzo a death stare, and Pansy giving me a death stare.

They deserved each other was all I could say.

Actually, I didn't even know if Pansy deserved Draco. Deep down, somewhere, he was a good person. He just couldn't exactly express his feelings.

"So, what were you two doing in there? Having a bible study session or something?" Draco asked.

"I was just showing her my clothes," Lorenzo shrugged.

"For nearly fifteen minutes?"

"Yes, I have lots of clothes.. We talked, too."

"About what?"

"Fucks' sake, Draco. Do you think we'd really do anything in a fucking closet?" Lorenzo snapped.

"Yes. That's the point of seven minutes in heaven," He presumed.

Blaise sat on the floor, blinking his eyes and changing his gaze back and forth from Lorenzo to Draco as they talked. This man was insanely confused - annoyed at this point.

"What the fuck is going on? Are Enzo and Lucille like-. A thing now?" He blurted.

"No, Draco is just over-exaggerating," I yelled, slapping my hand to my forehead.

"Then why the fuck is everyone acting like you are?"

I looked over at Lorenzo, who slowly nodded his head, giving me his own approval to tell Blaise.

I paused for a brief moment.

"We-. We slept together. A week ago."

Draco jerked his foot around, which was hanging off the bed.

"I-. Okay. I can't say I didn't expect that," Blaise confessed.

I looked over at Pansy, who was giving me an even larger death stare, as if Enzo was hers.

"So, you and Lorenzo fucked and then you continue to go grind on Draco's lap tonight to get him hard?"

"I literally-."

"Unbelievable. What a fucking whore."

My heart dropped.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me," She said, crossing her arms and eyeing me up and down.

Lorenzo's grip on my hand tightened and he looked down towards me. His eyes were filled with sorrow, so full of it they seemed to start to overflow.

Then he let go of my hand and walked towards Pansy, shoving her back onto the bed.

"I know better than to hit a girl, but I swear, if you ever-. And I mean ever, call Lucille such a word again, I will call Mumsy and send her here to kick your ass herself. And I know for a fact she most definitely would, so I'd watch yourself," He threatened.

"I am so tempted to avada kedavra this bitch right now," I heard Onyx mutter into Blaise's ear.

Draco kicked Pansy's back, sending her to the floor. "Get out of my dorm, Pansy. Right now."

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