hey guys sorry for not updating for a while
school is annoying and my lazy ass is just watching ahs all day.. anyways, i wanted to update! hope you enjoy!
lucille granger
My eyes sprang open when I was shaken awake by Onyx. A pounding in my head emitted the second I saw daylight, and I squinted my eyes and pulled the blanket over my head.
"Get up, Lucille, we're gonna be late for potions," Onyx shouted.
Fuck, I was hungover. I felt like a piece of shit.
"My god, Onyx, how are you functioning?" I groaned.
"Maybe because I barely drank last night. This is on you," She muttered.
I rolled out of bed and to my dresser, shuffling around in there, looking for those muggle painkillers. I couldn't go to the hospital wing. One - they would be able to tell how fucking hungover I was-. Two, I didn't have any time.
I shook three pills onto my hands and ran to the bathroom to find a cup. I swallowed the pills, and shrank my face. I hated taking pills.
My eyes wandered to my reflection. I precisely gagged. I looked horrid. The bags under my eyes were more noticeable than ever. My skin pale as a ghost. My smeared makeup I didn't have the chance to remove because I couldn't even function.
"Holy hell," I muttered under my breath.
Onyx shook her head when she walked in. "Yeah, you've ought to do something about.." She pointed at my face in the mirror and widened her eyes sarcastically. "That."
"Oh, shut it," I laughed. I grabbed a makeup wipe and began rubbing away at my face.
Onyx started to use the bathroom and stared at me oddly.
"What?" I ask.
"So, what are you going to do about last night?" She questioned worriedly.
"Huh?" I ask, but I soon realize what she's talking about.
I kissed Draco last night.
Well, more like he kissed me.
But I'm not going it say I didn't enjoy it.
Merlin, I'm so touch-deprived that I enjoyed a kiss from the person I hate with a passion.
"That'll be fun in class," I grunted.
I slipped some concealer under my eyes, and put a bit of mascara and eyeliner on. I dressed myself in my robes, and head downstairs. I would have to skip breakfast, which wouldn't be very beneficial for my headache. Onyx and I headed to our first class of the day, Potions.
I was not looking forward to seeing Snape again.
As we entered the corridor, I peered my head around to look for Lorenzo or Draco, who also had this class.
I noticed Lorenzo slouched up against the wall. He had a notebook in his hand which was clutched against his chest. His wavy hair lie on his forehead elegantly, and he was staring at the floor. Then he looked up at me and smiled.
Why was my heart fluttering?
He approached us gently and said, "Good morning, ladies."
"Good morning, Enzo," I said groggily.
Just then, Snape opened the door to his room and a cluster formed of people wanting to get inside.

Fanfica lucille and enzo love story. - "What are we, Lucille?" Lorenzo sighed as he sank onto the bed, casually eyeing me. "We're just friends, according to you." He sat up and crept his body towards mine. His tall figure lurked down on me as I inhaled sh...