Among Us

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RheaChan- Black, red beanie: 17, red eyes, dark brown hair- female

Thomas- Blue, ski goggles: 16, hazel eyes, dark brown hair- male

Grace- Orange, leaf/sprout: 16, green eyes, dirty blonde hair- female

Jess- White, ski goggles: 16, green eyes, chestnut brown hair- female

Senpai- Pink, pink flamingo floatie: 16, ice blue eyes, dark brown hair- male

Scooby- Red, Jason mask: 16, brown eyes, dyed blonde hair, super dark brown roots- male

Daddylonglegs- Brown, Plunger hat: 18, brown eyes, dyed blonde hair, brown roots- male

Birdboi- Green, Plague Docter Mask and Hat: 17, dark green eyes, black hair- male

InJailForDope- Cyan, Knife in head hat: 15, blue eyes, blonde hair- male

FunkyKid- Lime, Balloon hat: 14, amber eyes, blonde hair with pink highlights- female

                RheaChan's P.O.V

My alarm goes off. It's about 6 in the morning, but no light shines through my windows, and no birds are chirping. That's because I am in space. Humanity only consists of ten people now, and they're all aboard this ship. These creatures invaded earth, killing everyone. They were able to get into people's minds and control them, and the infected wouldn't even know what they were doing. The last of us were able to build this ship, and leave. Now it's just us here. Alone in this empty void of space.

I get up and wake up my roommate and best friend, Grace. "Hey, c'mon, we have to head to the cafeteria for breakfast. Make sure to mark the calendar." She groans and mumbles 'five more minutes' and I shake my head. I look over at our wardrobe. Only two outfits float inside. Our color coded spacesuits. I shake Grace again and she slowly sits up, rubbing her eyes. "Come on dude, we're going to be late. Get dressed." I say, and head to the open wardrobe. I slip my black spacesuit on, without the helmet, and put on my red beanie. It smelled of home, and I contemplated calling another fake sick day to spend in my bed crying my eyes out again, but Grace would immediately know I was faking again and kick me out of bed. I looked over at her to see she was getting out of her bed to get dressed as well. I smile and nudge her. "Finally up huh." I say. She rolls her eyes and gets on her orange spacesuit with some kind of plastic leaf sprout at the top of her helmet. When she got it she said she picked it because it made her look like a carrot, so I laughed and didn't question it further. Once we were both dressed and ready, we headed off together to meet the other in the cafeteria. On the way we passed my brother Thomas, and his best friend/roommate Scooby. His real name is classified, seeing as he was the son of an FBI agent when we were still on earth. Most of us have or had fake names because we are children of important people. Thomas is one of the only ones who wanted to give his real name, because to him, who we were before doesn't matter now. In a way, I see why, but another part of me wants to leave my name behind with everything else I left when we took off, away from earth. "Hey bro." I call out to my brother and waved, and he waved back. Scooby nods toward us, and keeps walking.

We follow the boys into the cafe to see the others, who are mostly secluded from each other. It's only been a week since we left, so most of them are still grieving, or not talking to anyone. The only two who seem to care that we walked in were Jess and Senpai. They were eating together and chatting, and waved to us as we walked in, motioning to the seats they saved for us. "Hey Jess, hey Senpai." I call out to them, and Grace and I hurry to get breakfast. Thomas and Scooby seem to not be hungry and sit down before us.

As we sit down, Senpai seems to be eager to tell us all something. I tilt my head, and ask what he wants to say. He looks glad that I asked him, and responds with, "Daddylonglegs said that he may have found a habitable planet in navigations yesterday!" I stiffen, surprised at what I was hearing. "R-really?" Grace stutters beside me. Jess nods. "He told us this morning." "And I have a task to do in navigation this morning, so I may be able to find out more information about it." Senpai adds. Scooby tilts his head. "So.. We may be able to have a home again.. Soon?" Senpai takes off his pink helmet, revealing eager blue eyes. "Yes." he says, his voice so soft it's almost a whisper. I feel so overjoyed. A home. Finally.. I breathe a sigh of relief. Grace jumps up from the table. "This calls for a celebration guys! We need to bake.. Um.. a cake or something! We can have a mini party at RheaChan and my room this afternoon!" I chuckle. Grace is energetic as always. Some things never change.. No matter what we go through, at least we have each other.

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