Chapter 10: Bus ride gone wrong.

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We stopped at a bus station where we were going to stay the night while figuring what we were going to do next. And where the heck this dragon is. I heard whimpering from my backpack. I slid over my bag and unzipped the golden zipper a tiny bit and saw two big, round, crystal blue eyes and a small pink nose. Kavora tried to push her nose through the small hole to widen it but I pushed her back in the bag. "You can't come out. What if someone sees you? What would they think of a 14 year old carrying around a small tiger cub in her backpack?" I questioned her not thinking she would understand. But she simply nodded her fluffy head and lowered into a small ball and fell asleep. I grinned and zipped up the bag. I was already starting to like Kavora on this quest and I didn't think she was an inconvenience. Sydney jumped from her seat and startled me, "I know where we need to go! I remember learning about this mountain in Latin class with Chiron. There is a legend that there is a mountain far west that holds a deadly dragon. This dragon was supposedly asleep for millions of years. But when it was awake it reeked havoc all across the land. Every God and goddess was nearly killed but Artemis saved everyone. With a poisoned arrow that would've killed the monster but Hades would not allow that monster to go to the underworld and kill everyone there. So in mid air he transformed the silver arrow into a knock out dart. Everyone thought the dragon was dead. So we need to go where the monster was when it was knocked out." It took me a few moments to take it all in when Nicki asked, "And where might that place be?" Sydney's face grew grim, "Colorado, that's where the mountain is. It's the tallest mountain in all of Colorado." We all stared at her and I was the one who broke the silence, "Well, then we better get a move on if the make it there before the monsters can smell is out first." I walk over to but the bus tickets for everyone and pass them out. Joey eyes his ticket and taps his foot on the ground. I could hear the beat it soothed me. I loosened up and I relaxed one the bench. The same thing seemed to be happening to Sydney because she leaned backwards and looked over at me. She stuck out her tongue and crossed her eyes and we both giggled. Everyone seemed to be in a good mood so far. No monsters. No problems what so ever. I felt safe and dozed off. I woke up to the loud creeping sound of the bus's breaks and found myself leaning of Leo's shoulder. I quickly jumped up and crashed into a man. He was holding a briefcase and when I hit him the papers scattered everywhere. "Oh gosh I'm so sorry," I quickly crouched down and began helping the man pick up his papers. I noticed he had a black suit on with a red tie. He had long dark brown hair and he look to be in his late 30s. Sydney jumped down to help and told the others to hold the bus for the three of us. Once we were done the three of use ran on the bus. Sydney grabbed a seat with Joey and I jumped in with Leo. We got the last two rows of seats and we occupied than the whole time even though there were only five of us and eight seats. Nicki was sprawled out on two seats zonked out. Sydney had her head on Joey's shoulder and Joey's cheek was rested on the top of Sydney's head. Leo was tinkering with small paper clips he found in his tool belt. Twisting and turning them until they formed a small tiger. How did he do that. I thought mesmerized is a small object. He smiled a little as if he was unsure I would take it. He held it out to me. I shyly took the small tiger knowing that this was his was of saying he was sorry for the way he acted before. I smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek. His cheeks turned as red as a tomato immediately. He tried to his it by looking out the window and I laughed. He laughed too and I turned to faced the front. I noticed the man I crashed into was staring at me in a deadly manner. I turned to Leo who was glaring at the man as if he knew who he was. I woke the others and received a few slaps on the arm. They all noticed why I woke them up almost immediately. The bus stopped for a red light and the man stood up. He was making his way back here and I glanced at his face. I would normally meet two eyes but now this man only had ONE! I jumped a little in my chair only to feel Leo's hand around my waist pulling me closer. His hand was warm. Really warm almost like when cabin 9 was on fire his hands where so hot I couldn't even touch him. But this time they weren't that hot but they were warm. I glanced at Leo who stiffened. I whipped around to the man. To find that he wasn't a man anymore he was a cyclops. A big hairy cyclops with tattoos, raggedy clothes, dreadlocks, one big brown eye, and I instead of a briefcase he had a big wooden club. The thing let out a roar and swung his club straight down on top of me I jumped out of the way and rubbed my neck less that secretly held my bow. I knocked an arrow and shot is faster than you could say "fly". The monster howled in rage and pain. He yanked the arrow from his right shoulder and tried to snap it in half but it dissolved in reappeared in my quiver. He let out a roar in rage. But before I knew it he swung around and grabbed me from my neck, dangling me form my neck. I couldn't breath and he corners of my eyes were starting to turn black when I saw a blade slice down no the monster's arm. Leaving a large, deep gash that only enraged the cyclops more. He swung his club around and hit Nicki in the stomach flinging her back against the back window of the bus. I realized the monster seemed to be only focusing on me. "You!" He bellowed and lunged at me. I scrabbled to get up and I ran down the isle of the bus, but I was too slow. The monster fought hold of my ankle and slammed me on the floor. Everyone else was doing everything they could to get the monster off of me. But he just kept kicking them against the side windows or against the back of the bus until everyone was too dazed to fight anymore. Looks like I had this one to myself. I tried to kick, shove, and wiggle my ankle out of the thing's grasp. But he just squeeze tighter and I groaned in agony. I can't show weakness to this thing. I told myself desperately. The monster weakened his grasp to push himself up and I was able to kick free. I pounced to my feet with an arrow knocked and ready to fire. He lifted his head up a little bit confused about what just happened. I let my arrow fly and sink deep in the monster's four head. He had his club in the air but as soon as the arrow punctured his four head it feel to the floor. I struggled for air. The bus driver didn't even seem to notice let alone care. We've wreaked the bus from the middle to the very back. I wanted off of this thing before we were attacked again. I ran to the back snatched my backpack with Kavora in it (who was going crazy but couldn't get out) then I made sure she wasn't hurt. I grabbed Nicki's bag because I knew she wouldn't be able to carry it. And I got everyone up. Leo and Joey carried Nicki while Sydney and I carried all of the backpacks. And we had no idea where we were or where we were going but all I wanted was anywhere away from here.

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