Chapter 17: The hunt begins.

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"Welcome to Denver, Colorado!" Joey sang waking all of us up. I lifted one eyelid open and quickly shut it. "Just 15 more minutes," I groan with my cheek rested on Leo's right shoulder. Ben and Nicki groaned in agreement they were both leaning against each other. Ben had his cheek on Nicki's head and she had her cheek on his shoulder. Anna practically jumped from her seat. "We're here to kill a DRAGON!!! Aren't any of you guys excited to get some info on what these people know about it?!" she squealed and started a small happy-dance in her seat. "Would you shut up and let a girl sleep?!" Nicki snapped at her while her eyes were still closed. Anna immediately stopped her happy dance and slumped in her seat, "Well someone is in a grumpy mood." She said it so quietly that I almost didn't hear her, but I'm sure Nicki and Ben did because they fist bumped. I rubbed my newly open eyes and let out a sigh. If I don't stop this thing like the prophecy for told everyone in this little town next to Denver will die. Pressure much? And these six are my best friends I can't let them die. "Come on, let's go find a good spot to camp in the woods," Sydney finally chimed in. She had obviously enjoyed the small argument Nicki and Anna had. "Sounds good," I told her as she looked my way as if asking for my approval. Why was everyone acting as if I was their leader? Always making sure I approved on every suggestion, and doing everything I say all the time. (Well most of the time.) Joey pulled onto to a dirt road that lead deep into the forest. We should be safer out here. I thought. "Syd and I will make a fire, Nicki go get some water, Anna go try to find some berries, Ben and Joey go into town and see if you can find some small first Aid kits and other medical supplies, and Hannah go with Kavora and hunt, get us a good meal," Leo ordered and everyone looked to me (again) as I nodded my head, "You hard the boy, move out!" I ordered still a bit confused about this whole 'leader' thing. I ran off into the woods wearing my hunting suit that was a gift from Chiron a few days before we left. I was all made of leather. Leather skinny jeans, boots, coat, and small leather gloves that felt as if I didn't have them on at all. Everything was very durable, comfortable, and felt natural. Kavora was right on my heels as I through myself over fallen trees with ease, not making a sound. I wasn't surprised that she didn't either. She was made to become a hunter of Artemis, she was born to do this. SNAP! We both turned towards the noise and I knocked an arrow. It was an elk. I was just about to let my arrow fly to kill the elk when it dropped. It's knees buckled and dropped to the forest floor with a loud thud. Any prey that would have been close by is obviously long gone. I sprinted up to the dead animal with Kavora on my heels. 'Be careful Hannah!' the tiger warned in my head, but I ignored her. I was extremely angry with who ever did this, stealing my hunt, and scaring off all of the prey. I stormed up the the elk to find a neon orange arrow with bright yellow and blue feathers. A hunter. Probably just for sport, unlike me I was hunting to survive. I caught a glance of a camouflage jacket behind a tree. "You know you should really find a better hiding spot if you are going to spy or sneak up on me!" I call out, annoyance overcoming my anger. This guy was obviously an amateur. "Oh come on! Just come out I already know you're there!" I impatiently tapped my foot on the ground. It took him a few seconds to finally come out, but the moment he did he stumbled back in shock. "Y-y-you have a tiger?" he stammered trying to sound calm. "No, I have a baboon!" I said sarcastically, glaring at the boy. He had to be about 20 or so. He scrambled to his feet and stood tall acting as if I had never scared him. "What d-" I cut him off screaming and storming up to him, "What do I want?! I'll tell you what I want! I want you to stop making so much noise so the other hunters can actually get some game!" He just stared at me stunned. "Actually, I was going to ask you, what did you do to get your own pet tiger? 'Cause I want one," he said in an excited and eager tone. 'I'm no PET,' Kavora hissed in my thoughts. I laughed a true laugh. He grinned at me, all of my past anger gone. He started to walk ever so slowly to Kavora, only to receive a low growl in return. He stopped abruptly and I giggled. "What are you doing?" I asked with an eyebrow raised. "Can I pet him?" he asked gesturing towards Kavora. "First it's a she, second I think it would be best if she gave you permission not me," I told him simply. I was expecting her to just growl again and stand her ground, but she lifted her head and took a few steps closer to the boy. 'What is she doing?!' I scream in my head. 'What do you think?!' Kavora screamed back. I stood there with a shocked expression on my face. I had no idea that I could talk to her in my head. A loud purring smacked me back to reality. The boy was scratching behind Kavora's ears. I was sick of this, who did he think he was? Just coming in killing my game, and the petting Kavora! My past anger was bubbling up again. My eyes glanced over to see the dead elk laying lifeless on the forest floor. 'Hannah calm down your eyes are silver again. And we can't have this kid knowing about our little secret, can't we,' Kavora warned me in my thoughts. I took a deep breath trying to calm down, and counted to 10. "I think we should go, it's getting late and I don't want my family to get worried," I half lied. Yes, my friends would get worried, but they would only get worried if I was gone until sunrise. I do consider them my family, well my half-blood family. I looked at Kavora and she nodded approvingly, and walked over to me. "I could walk you home.....I just realized I don't know your name," he told me with a curious look in his brown eyes. "Holly," I lied quickly. "Well Holly, I'm Jackson," he held out a hand, but I didn't even look at it let alone shake it. He took down MY kill, and I hate it when people do that. Like the time an Apollo child killed a squirrel that I was aiming for. I shot his sleeves and pant lets (with arrows) into a tree trunk, so he was stuck to that tree trunk for 4 days. "I really need to go, but nice kill...Jackson," I said turning away. "Um...okay. I guess I'll see you around then," he said a bit unsure scratching the back of his neck. I nod and shoot one glance back his way only to see him pick up his hunting bow that he must have dropped. He had a sad look on his face and started to walk back towards the elk. He didn't forget about it. A smile formed on my face at the thought. So he wasn't a heartless hunter that killed just to kill. 'Come on, let's get out of here and actually get some game,' I told Kavora in my head. 'Okay!' Kavora jumped happily and landed silently. I laughed and raced off knowing she was right on my heels.

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