Chapter 1 - Escape

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I ran and ran, I couldn't stop. I didn't understand what had happened, I was carrying a crying Sabre, who was turned into a baby from a witch earlier today for some unknown reason. I didn't know what to do, the others told me to take Sabre and go, I did just that. I ran with Sabre as far as I could. Galaxy Steve was with me, helping me escape with Sabre, but he had to stay behind when the being that was hunting us all soon got closer. I didn't know what to do or think.

I stopped after a while, it was turning night soon.

I need to hurry before whatever the being was that's hunting us, get to me and Sabre. I look around the forest, looking for some shelter. Eventually I found a small cave, I quickly walked there and hide, trying to calm down Sabre. "Calm Down Sabre, we're safe for now alright?" I softly tells him, eventually, his crying ceased to just sniffling and look at me. "Wainbow Seve, weh is Blue?" Baby Sabre asked, I smiled sadly, he was the one who told me to quickly leave the town with Sabre for safety while he and the others deal with the matter somehow.

"Don't worry Sabre, Blue Steve is fine okay? He and the others are trying to figure out what's wrong in the town, but he wanted me to give you something." I told him, he looked at me slightly confused. I took something out of the bag I had brought with me and had Sabre wear something, it was a necklace to be exact.

The necklace was made with a Sapphire gem, of course it's also made with condensed rainbow stone as well, which is well hidden, me and Blue Steve thought this would be a good present for Sabre. Had it been in a good situation at least.

"Sabre, can you promise me something?" I asked him as I looked at him with a soft smile. He looked at me a little confused, even though his eyes were covered by his bandanna. "A pwomise?" He asked, I nodded. "I want you to stay strong alright? Don't let anyone bring your spirit down and stay true to yourself and always remember us all in the town okay?" I asked him, he nodded, determined.

I smiled softly, then had him wear my rainbow colored scarf. "Come on, we need to hurry alright?" He nodded and held onto me and I kept him close as we continued to trek the forest. It's currently still some daytime left, which is good, staying in one place shouldn't be good when we're being chased by something. Hopefully we can get to a safe enough place. If I have to, then, I'll send Sabre to another Realm. Hopefully it doesn't come down to it.


I was looking and looking, following their trails. I can't let them escape from me or from my master. He wouldn't be so happy that I had let them escape from my grasp. I had almost killed them, but the rest of the Steves in this town stopped me, of course I didn't care for them and made sure they wouldn't interfere in my plans any more. Soon, I would prove to my master that I'm capable of being a general.

Now first...

Let's make sure the remaining Steves here in this town are...Missing In Action.


I sighed, it's almost night and I don't like it. Sabre had fallen asleep sometimes earlier, I couldn't sleep, I couldn't. Not with the danger that awaits. I continue going and going, making it as far away as possible. When I said I would send Sabre to another world, I honestly mean it, I would in fact do it if I had no other choice. Sabre is precious to me and the others back in town. He did so much for us, the pain and everything.

We just want him to be happy for once.

I shook my head and continued walking, until I stopped and summoned ice behind me, blocking some sort of black mist like spike from hitting us. Shocked and surprised, I quickly held onto Sabre and flew north, north to the only portal that I know of that is capable of taking us somewhere far, yet safe.


Run as he likes, he will not escape me. I have waited thousands of years to be set free, this time, my master, or should I say, my king, doesn't want me to fail for I still have a purpose. A purpose for which no others will understand.

Soon. I can cast away this useless face that I'm using. Soon. I can finally kill the survivors. Hehe heh.


I kept running, whoever was pretending to be Origin Steve was doing a good job, to say the least, I wasn't happy, at all.

I managed to get to the portal, sealed the entrance, making the whole older shakes. I put sabre in the machine, he looks at me with widen scared eyes. Closed to tears. I smiled sadly crying to myself. "Wainbow?" He asked me quietly, I hugged him tightly and have him wear my scarf. "I'm sorry Sabre, but you just go, go to a different realm that will keep you safe, until the day have come for you to returned here again..." I said as I pulled away.

Sabre cried out, refusing for me to go, but it was too late. I activated the machine and it caused a bright light. Once the light vanished, so was Sabre. I destroyed the machine, making it hard for the enemy to ever find him.

Once I was done....

I was stabbed right through the chest by a sword.

"Rainbow Steve, you just made my job so much harder, but oh well, at least you will die in returned." I heard the dark and corrupted voice say. I didn't give them no satisfaction. "I know...and.. I know for sure.. Sabre will stay safe... From you..." I say, barely able to form words, already knowing my time is running out.

"How persistent." They twisted the sword, causing me to lose blood more quickly. "Oh well, I guess I just have to hunt him now." I heard them say, just as they ripped the sword out of my chest and kicked me to the ground. I weakly glared at them, black spots dotting my vision.

"You can't...stop what...been the universe....himself..." I could barely say. They just chuckled.

"We'll see about that. Rainbow Steve."

They lifted their foot, for I know what to come. I closed my eyes, knowing what will happen next.

I accepted my fate.




Theories are welcome. 


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