Chapter 14 - Gerald Training

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Gerald flopped to the ground, really tired from the training he was going through, he know that Overseer wanted him to be prepared and all, but he was not expecting brutal training to say the least. He sighed, then sit up, drinking a bottle of water. Oh, I didn't even describe his appearance?

Gerald normal comb and silky hair was messy and soft, sweat dripping from his slightly red face. Pretty much shirtless as the red tunic he worn before was wrapped around his waist, black trousers, light grey boots and his cloak was a bit far from him, sitting on the ground, neatly folded, with his crown on top of it as well. Gerald sighed, he really need to get used to doing training like these.

"Not bad for your Hand to hand combat training." Overseer commented, looking as though he was unaffected by the training, Gerald groans. "How are you still not tired???? You made do Sword Combat Training, Shields, axes, archer and heck, even magic training! Plus, acrobatics, the acrobatic training was awesome and refreshing actually." Gerald trailed off, Overseer just stared at him with a unimpressed look. "Meanwhile, your starting to show muscle, eventually, some guy gonna fall for you at the mere sight of you being shirtless." Overseer commented, unimpressed.

Gerald just stared at him, confused. Is Overseer saying he's gay? Actually...he doesn't even know what he's attracted or interest to, Yet.

Shaking his head, he stood up and glared at Overseer, takes out a golden carrot and eats it. Overseer stares at him with a questionable look. "How do you even eat golden carrots???" He question, Gerald shrugged. "You eat grass, so not much to complain about." Gerald commented, Overseer stood there for a good minute, then face palm. He had that coming.

By the time Gerald finished eating, he put on his tunic, cloak and crown, then look at Overseer. "Anything else I need to know before I leave?" He asked, Overseer nodded. "Yes, I need you to take this package to Raive and Sabre home. Then meet up with Steve and Origin Steve for more of your training." Overseer tells him as he handed him a package. Gerald nodded, taking the package and leave.


By the time Gerald got to Raive and Sabre house, he put the package at the door steps, knocked on the door and quickly leave, hiding behind the tree. Once he was sure Raive took the package, he left. Going to Origin Steve and Steve Base, if he's unlucky, he'll see Herobrine for a even more brutal training. Gerald shudder at the thought, Herobrine isn't a myth for no reason after all.

Gerald just ignored it for now and continued going to there base.


3 hours later....

Gerald and Steve stared at one another for a split second, until Gerald side stepped, dodging a punch to the face, as he side kicked Steve, who dodged, then punched him. Making Gerald staggered back, ducked and swept Steve, getting him to lose his footing for a moment and back flipped, then staggered back when Gerald punched him square in the face.

Gerald side flipped, only to staggered back when Steve kicked him hard in the chest, Gerald quickly stood up again and blocked a punch to the face.

The fight continued on, until neither two can continued anymore. "You did" Huff, Steve shakes his head. "Good Gerald. You improve greatly since then. At this point, you could probably be on par with a Steve Saga Red Steve when they're angry." Steve huffed, as he sit down, Gerald smirks and takes the compliment, sorta. He took off his tunic and wrapped it around his waist, tired and hot from the training.

He definitely need a shower after this, he's gonna hope Orange Steve isn't home yet.

That be awkward if he knew that Gerald has a human/Steve form now. "Hey Gerald? How are you faring with your new responsibilities?" Steve asked, Gerald groans at the mere thought of it. "I absolutely hate the fact I can't even helped anyone without causing a bad backlash from it! Do I have to be the Rainbow Quest Realm Seer???" He asked with annoyance, Steve sighed.

"You and I know why. Besides, you at least get to work behind the scenes, while me and the others work on trying to purged whatever is contaminating the Steve Realm Coding." He said, Gerald Sighed, he can't argue with that, Sabre was originally from the Steve realm after all.

"Fine, your right, but you owe me a few barrels of Golden Carrots."Gerald said, with a smug look, Steve glared at him. "I hate you so much Gerald. You and your obsession for Golden Carrots are annoying." He said, Gerald shrugged. "What can I say? I just like them, now come one, Origin Steve wants to give us a mission brief before we head out." He then said as he left the room, after putting on his tunic and cloak.

Steve rolled his eyes and followed after.




I guess this is just y'all present then, oh well. This book is gonna end soon, as in, in two chapters from now. Either way, have this nice chapter of Gerald being, well, a Seer in training. There's been some informations shown during the behind the Scene. Anyways, I'm gonna go to discord and find something better to do, I am LITERALLY BORED AT THIS TIME. :')

So yeah, motivations just vibing, so, uhh, see ya in the next story updates.


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