Chapter 11- Trying to remember

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Sabre paced back and forth in the living room, after Red Steve had explained to him everything, it all had clicked in his mind. He remembered seeing a yellow crystal his father had, long ago. Now that he thought about it... Hearing the prophecy made him feel unsure about it. As if he had heard of another prophecy long ago...

Suddenly, Sabre held his head in pain, feeling a burning sensation.


"Sabre... The truth is, the prophecy about me was a lie, I was never meant to get as far as I am now. I was supposed to fail long ago..." [Redacted] said with a quiet tone of sadness, Sabre shakes his head, disagreeing. "No [Redacted] you're not meant to fail. In fact you don't have to listen to prophecy or what it says, you could just do what you want. Help others as much as you can, do whatever you want in life. I respect that. You are, after all, my best friend." Sabre confidently tells him, earning a small smile from [Redacted].

"Thanks Sabre, for always being there, even during our darkest hours."


Sabre was pulled out of the memory by Red Steve Shaking him slightly, with a worried expression. "Sabre? Are you alright? Did you remember something from your past?" He carefully asked with a worried thought. Sabre nodded a little, he felt something go down his face and realized he was crying. "I... I think I used to have a friend, who's part of a prophecy, saying how they were a failure. I think I managed to convince them otherwise. I... I still can't remember their name." Sabre answered quietly, unsure.

He wasn't sure what to feel right now, he was worried about why he could barely remember any of them. He held his necklace tightly, the only thing he had left, tied to his past.


Red Steve looks at Sabre's troubled expression, he knows he remembers bits and pieces of his past, but he can't help, but feel as though now isn't the right time for him to remember. Shaking off the feeling for now, he got an idea. "Hey Sabre? Want to go visit Orange Steve and Gerald? I'm sure they wouldn't mind helping you figure out your missing memories." He suggested, Sabre looks at him, slightly skeptical.

"Are you sure bro? You don't often let me be on my own, ever since, well, whatever it is that made you really overprotective of me." He was Right, Red Steve had been really protective of him since...

...Since the Day light Steve fell into a coma.



Red Steve Point of View

I saw a colorless Steve at Uncle Orange House, I was confused, dad once mentioned how I should meet someone there one day, which I am assuming is the Colorless Steve. Kinda reminds me of a light, something that shines during the darkest hours. Anyways, I got to Uncle Orange's leader house and greeted the Steve.

"Hello! You must be Light Steve that dad mentioned a few times before?" I asked, Light Steve nodded. He wore a snowy white faded to icy blue with sparkles of snowflakes Cotton long sleeve shirt. A white faded to pale blue Scarf, his hair is similar, not too short, but slightly fluffy. Dark grey trousers, knee high White and grey strapped boots.

To say the least, he cools quite chill.

"So your Red Steve that your father and Orange Leader told me about, well, to say the least it's nice to meet you." He told me with a kind smile, I smiled back. "So, from what my dad told me, you were Sabre son in the other realm and before Sabre became a child?" I asked, he nodded. "Yeah, I was, I still am when he gets his memories back, but I have a feeling the time for his memories to return isn't until much later in the future." He answered, looking up at the sky.

I also looked up at the sky, it was a wonderful night after all. That is, until I noticed something odd.

"Hey Light Steve? What that?" I asked, pointing at something in the forest, Light Steve looked at The direction I'm pointing at and immediately grabbed my arm and quickly got me into the house. I was worried and confused. What was going on?

I looked at Light with a scared expression
"Red Steve, I need you to hide and keep quiet okay? Don't come out until I say so. Alright?" He told me, I nodded a little, terrified. Light Steve smiled a little and patted my head. "If anything ever happened to me, I need you to make sure no one else knows of my existence, not yet at least. And... Keep dad safe alright?" I nodded, I will try to keep my promise to keep Sabre safe.

As best as I can anyways.

He nodded then whispered for me to hide, I of course did just that.

After a while....

I heard a lot of fighting downstairs, heard voices and shouting, I kept quiet, scared.i waited awhile, until everything went quiet, I was scared, but worried. So I left and went to Light Steve....

Only to scream.

Flashback End


Red Steve shook his head lightly, trying to push the memory back. He looked at Sabre who held a worried look. "You okay Brother? You looked like you were having a flashback or something." He asked, Red Steve smiled a little and ruffled Sabre hair until it's Messy, getting angry whines from Sabre.

"Raive!! Stopped Messing up my hair!!" Sabre complained with a slightly whiny tone, Getting Red Steve, or as Sabre just called him, Raive, to laugh.

This continued as they both began their walk to Orange Steve's house.

They never noticed, someone was watching them, watching with jealousy. A hint of rainbow and red was seen before it vanished.


Ahh yes, another late night upload. Also, to explain why this chapter is called "Trying to Remember" Well, Sabre tried to remember something from his past life in the Steve Saga realm.

While Red Steve aka Raive, I will explain that in a moment, had a flashback to what happened to Steve saga Light Steve since his last appearance in this book.

Now the reason why Red Steve was called Raive, by Sabre, is because in this AU, all Steve all have their own true name to be called by only family, loved one and close friends. A way to differentiate the difference between each colored Steve. Without mistaking each other for someone else. I find it a good idea Honestly.

So yeah, in this Story, it's been revealed that Red Steve, Sabre's older brother and Mr. Red's eldest son is named Raive.

I don't mind getting name suggestions for other Steves that MIGHT have a role to play in this story. Until then, enjoy this chapter and goodnight! (I'm going to bed anyways-)


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