Chapter 6 - RR, Abilities, Decision

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It's been a few days since Yellow King had visited Mr.Red and agreed to help him raise both Red Steve and Sabre. During that time...was interesting to say the least. In Yellow King opinion that is. He sighed as he held a sleeping Sabre, sitting on the grass, outside of the house. Staring at the sky, Sometimes he wonders why he had that mysterious nightmare about Mr.Red's death, but at the same time, can't help, but feel as though something Much darker is coming.

Yellow King sighed, only to suddenly stiffen from a familiar, yet unwelcome presence, holding onto Sabre, he quickly and carefully hidden him in his cloak as Red Steve approached them. The Red Steve had a white visor with their red and black eyes visible. A black scar on the right, Dark, almost black, red messy hair. A pale grey trench coat with a rectangular rainbow colored palette on the back. Dark grey pants, dark brown shoes and White gloves. "Why hello Yellow King.'' Steve spoke with a sing-song tone, the Yellow King glared at him. "What do you want Rainbow Red?" Yellow King growled, Rainbow Red smiled, not in a good way.

"Why am I here? Well, I sense a large source of unnatural energy spike here for some reason, thought I came to investigate." Rainbow Red Said, then look at the Yellow King, studying him. "Your Hiding something aren't you?" He said, the Yellow King glared at him. "Why would I hide something? Your not to be trusted you know." He answered, Rainbow Red scowled. "You think you're so powerful, yet you don't realize how severely wrong you are."

The Yellow King looked confused, until he felt Sabre wake up and get out of his cloak. Sabre looks at Yellow King with confusion, having just woken up not long ago. "What do we have here?" Rainbow Red wondered as he drew closer, Sabre felt a dark presence and whimpered, Yellow King stood up and held Sabre close in a protective hold. "Don't you dare go near Rainbow Red." Yellow King Growled, glaring at the said Steve.

Rainbow Red hums in interest. "Fine, but eventually, I will find out what so special about that player." He said as he left them be, eventually just vanished, having to go elsewhere.

Yellow King sighed and looked at Sabre who seemed scared, he smiled softly and petted Sabre head. "It's Alright Sabre, he's gone." Yellow King tells him as he puts Sabre on his lap and out of his cloak. Sabre looks at Yellow King with a 'Are you Sure' look. Yellow king nodded. "Yes, I'm sure Sabre." He answered, Sabre smiled and giggled, accidentally...

Summoned bits of snow around him. Surprised, Yellow King was startled at the sudden appearance of snow. "What the...'' Yellow King trailed off, wondering how Sabre was able to make some Snow. "? Pa?" Sabre wondered, Yellow King smiled softly. "Don't worry- Wait. Did you just say 'Pa'??" Sabre giggled, which accidentally made more snow appear. Yellow King sweat dropped a little, but also surprised by what he refer to him as. "We should do something about the snow your making." Yellow King said, Sabre looked at the snow in confusion, wondering where they came from.

"Yellow King? Sabre? Why is there snow here?" Mr. Red asked as he walked over to them with Red Steve, both having just recently arrived back from their errands. Yellow King point at Sabre. "He made some snow by accident, I think it's one of his abilities. I think." Yellow King answered, Sabre just giggles, smiling a little with mischief. "Sabre? What are you planning?" Mr.Red asked, Red Steve understood that look and backed away from Mr.Red with the same mischief look.

Mr.Red and Yellow King were confused to say the least, Yellow King put down Sabre as Red Steve sat next to him. The Yellow King walked over to Mr.Red and stood next to him. "What are the kids planning?" "I don't know Yellow King." Mr.Red answered.

Without any moment to spare, a bunch of snow landed on both of them, Red Steve and Sabre just laughed in mischievous delight. Red Steve picked up Sabre and quickly ran into the house, both of them laughing so much. While Yellow King and Mr.Red Look at each other, smiled and chased after Red Steve and Sabre with a playful look.


Orange Leader looks at Light Steve after hearing everything he needed to know. "Have you made your decision?" Light Steve asked, Orange Leader nodded. "I have." He said, Light Steve looks at him with curiosity. "What will your answer be?" He asked, the Orange Leader took a deep breath and looked at him seriously.

"My answer is..."


Cliffhanger, yes, cliffhanger, I honestly love putting the story like this, also noticed how I'm doing multiple points of view for each story arc? Well, I'm doing that to give it a more important feel and show what is happening during each event. Pretty interesting.

Anyways, Aria_Guardian (this is all just a joke, just giving my main OC/Persona a break so no worries) won't be updating for a while, so I took over. Until then, see ya!


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