Chapter 2 - The child and The Letter

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Red Steve sighed, he looked out the window as he watched the rain fall during the night, he had no idea why it had all, but a large storm appeared out of nowhere. He shook his head and was about to go to his room, until he heard something at the door. Confused, he went to the front door and opened it. Only to gasp in surprise and shock.

On the ground, in a basket, covered in a white blanket is a young baby, Red Steve quickly picked the baby and cradled them, hoping it would calm them down. Surely enough it worked and the child fell asleep. Red Steve sighed, going back inside his home with the child and closed the door. He went to the spare room and sat down on the bed and looked at him carefully. Only to be surprised to find the young baby was a player.

The young baby had light faded dark brown hair, a blind fold wrapped on their wrist, but loose to not caused too much discomfort, a white chicken onesie. A necklace with a rare blue sapphire gem, which seems to have something hidden, but Red Steve couldn't figure out what. The young baby also wore a rainbow colored scarf that wrapped around them like a blanket, but the white blanket they came with seems to do a better job in keeping them warm.

Red Steve sighed, he looked at the young baby, which he came to know to be a young male. Then he heard the door open. He looked over to see it was just a Young Red Steve. "Hey there buddy." Red Steve said as he got up, being careful of the little one and walked over to him. "What are you doing here? Is something wrong?" He asked, the younger Red Steve shakes his head, then looks at the baby. "Papa, who is he?" He asked, Red Steve sighed.

"He's a player, Red, from now on, he's going to be your adopted brother, okay?" He told him, the young Red Steve eyes lit up. "Really!?" He asked in excitement, Red Steve nodded. "Mhm, I'm not sure who left him here or why he's here, so instead, we'll take care of him okay?" He told him, he nodded okay. Then he noticed something. "Papa? There's a letter in the blanket on the bed." He said, Red Steve looked confused and looked where he pointed at, there was indeed a letter. "Red? Can you hold him?" He asked, Red nodded and held onto the young baby carefully.Well, as careful as a 7 year could. 

Red Steve picks up the letter, opens the envelope and starts reading it.

Dear Whoever found this letter,

My name is Rainbow Steve, however, I may not be the Rainbow Steve you might have known or if you have never heard of me. This letter will be addressing some key importance, best to remember what is written in this very letter. The Young player that you have founded is the Savior of Steves, specifically in my realm. His name is Sabre Saga. He was originally a young adult, until a witch turned him into a young baby at the age of 2 in player terms.

I don't have a lot of time left, so this would be short in a way.

We're being hunted, I don't know why, but the enemy wanted Sabre for some unknown reasons. Me and many others Steve had worked with Sabre and found him to be like that of our youngest family or friend in our group and in our town. We couldn't lose him, not since he was held dear to us . Whoever is after him, DON'T let them get to him. I don't know what would happen, but I know that they would use him for his unique abilities to defy the laws of orders.

I just want him to be safe and happy, he has been through so much to protect us, now, it's our turn to keep him safe. So please, please just keep him safe and train him to use his abilities. He is no normal Player. He's special in a way no one, but a few knows. He's fairly smart, so don't be surprised, he still holds the memories of us all, even if faded from time and being replaced by his new memories. He doesn't want to lose the memories of us. So please, do what we can't do anymore at this time.

Protect him.

Sign, Rainbow Steve

Red Steve stared at the letter, he read it over and over, until making a decision. One that he hopes that the Rainbow Steve of the other realm will be happy about. He will raise and protect Sabre for them.

He looks at his son and Sabre, they're both fast asleep on the bed. He smiled softly and covered them with the blanket. "Sleep well, my sons..." He quietly says as he lets them sleep and goes to his own room to put away the letter and get some sleep.


Two lone figures, watched from afar. They both smiled softly, they looked like Steve, yet not, one had pure white eyes and the other had Pure sky blue eyes. "You think this is the right choice to bring him here?" The one with white eyes asked, the one with blue eyes nodded. "Yeah, this is the least I can do, but now all we can do is watch over him from afar. Who knows what the Universe want to do now that there's a change to the timeline." He answered, then turned around and left.

"Very well then, Origin Steve."

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