Side Story 2 - Leader and shy

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Two Years later. 


Orange Leader Sighed, it's been three years and literally everyone has been trying to get him and Shy together. It was a little annoying since everyone knows he has a crush on Shy. Which is saying a lot. Especially since Red Steve, Sabre and Orange Steve wouldn't stop Pestering him to tell Shy. Much to his embarrassment. 

It was really embarrassing. 

Someone help. 

"Come on Leader! You gotta tell him!" Orange Steve commented, trying to get Leader away from his desk full of paper. Leader sighed, he knows they're trying his best, but he just didn't have the time and he's always busy. Sabre and Red Steve looked at each other and nodded. Looking at Orange Steve, who nodded as well. Leader raised an eyebrow at the children's sudden changes in mood.  They smiled and left the Leader house, giggling. 

Leaving behind a very baffled Leader. 


Sabre giggled, looking at Orange Steve and Red Steve. "Operation Shy Leader?" He asked, Red Steve and Orange Steve had a mischief smile. "Operation Shy leader." They answered, Some of the others Orange Steve that was there heard what the three kids said. "What are you three planning?" Happy Orange Steve, Happy for short, asked as he walked over to them. "We're trying to get Leader to confessed to Shy." Sabre answered with a happy smiled. Red Steve and Orange Steve nodded. 

Happy smiled. "How about I helped you three?" "Yes!" Red Steve immediately says, excited. 

It was at this moment, Red Steve, Sabre, Orange Steve and Happy are plotting something to get the Shy Leadership become a thing. 

(A/N: I'm sorry, but I had to XD)


Shy Sighed, he had finished cleaning his home not too long ago and was looking for Red Steve, who had promised to help him bake a pie. After a while, Shy had found Red Steve, who was gathering some apples. "Red Steve? Why are you gathering apples?" Shy asked, as he walked over to him. Red Steve put the basket of apples down and looked at Shy. "I'm Gathering some apples so we can make an apple Pie." He said with a smile, Shy softly smiles and ruffled Red Steve hair. 

"Alright then. Where's your brother?" Shy asked, Red Steve shrugged. "Last I saw him, he's with Happy, Orange Steve and Gerald." He answered, Shy nodded and pat Red Steve, who pouted a little. "Shy, I'm not a kid anymore, I'm 16." Red Steve pouted, getting Shy to giggled. "I know, but I'm pretty sure me and the Leader are older than you by 6 years and we still consider you, Sabre and Orange Steve, as our little brother." Shy then said as he and Red Steve headed back to Shy house. 

Red Steve huffed. " I know, ever since and the leader have been taking care of us here in the Orange Village while papa is away. Sometimes we visit Yellow king when he's not busy." He said, Shy nodded. Well aware of what he's talking about, but wouldn't dare bring it up. "You know, Sabre eleventh birthday is coming up, right?" Shy then asked, watching Red Steve freezed in realization. 

So the two talked more about other stuff, mainly about what to do for Sabre upcoming birthday...meanwhile with Sabre, Orange Steve and Happy. 


Sabre, Orange Steve and Happy are trying to convince the leader to at least leave his house and take a break from all of the work. "Come on uncle Leader, you need to at least relax!" Sabre whines, trying to pull Leader away from the desk, while Orange Steve and Happy sweat. Wasn't expecting Sabre to act like this. Leader sighed, he knew this was gonna happen sooner or later. 

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