Chapter 5 - Alliance, Light, Darkness

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"Hmph. What brings you fools here?" A dark voice wondered as they looked at the darken shadow figure in front of them and a slightly darken yellow Steve. "We came here to asked what your purpose in our world is." The Yellow Steve said, glaring at the being. All that was done was smiled. "I have little to no concern for your world. In fact, I'm looking for someone that my Servant failed to retrieve." The dark being said, growling lowly in disappointment. The Yellow Steve looks curious, the Darken being next to Steve looks mildly curious. "Who may this someone you're searching for?" He asked, the Dark being narrowed there eyes at them.

"I have no reasons to tell a lone Steve and a Dark being anything. Now, answer this. How did you both get here?" The Dark being questioned, standing up, giving off a dangerous Vibe. One that not even Steve and the Darkness can withstand, they both backed up and kneel before them. "We do not know why or how we are here..."Yellow Steve answered with a wavering tone. The Dark being narrowed their eyes and looked at the Yellow Steve.

"How Interesting." The Dark being said as they walked around him, then forced them to look straight into there blank, pupiless pale dark red eyes. "Hm. Perhaps I can use you both to my advantage." The Dark being said, The Yellow Steve looks at them. "What do you want with me now?" He asked, the Dark being just smiled. "I will use you as a mere servant and puppet. Do as you please, as long as I have Sabre Saga. Although, I am curious of how your Story will end. Especially when it seems as though I have caught the attention of the Universe himself." They answered with a hint of amusement.

Yellow Steve and the Darkness looks at each other, then at the dark being. They both stood up. "If it means you help me with my quest, I will work for you." The Dark being smiled. "Oh, don't trouble your foolish mind too much. This is merely a endless game. A game that the Universe is now watching with curiosity." The dark being metalic purple eyes glimmer for a moment in curiosity. "Do be careful. Don't want to be...erased from existence like that of an anomaly."


"Leader, do you think they're okay? I never seen Steve like them before." Orange Steve asked, Orange Leader sighed, he wasn't sure himself. "I'm not sure , he looks as though he was attacked by something, possibly...It" Orange Leader said, shivering a little at the mere thought of it being what this realm been plagued by. 

Orange Steve looks at the Pale snow colored Steve, mostly covered in bandages and asleep. "You think Mr.Red might know who this is?" Orange Steve asked, Orange Leader shrugged. "Maybe, I might have to ask him later." He answered, Orange Steve nodded, until they heard groaning from the unknown Steve. Who started waking up.

"Ugh..." The unknown Steve softly spoken as they carefully sit up, with the help of Orange Leader. Once the unknown steve was ok and sitting up, they looked at Orange Steve and Orange Leader in surprise. "Uhhh?" "I'm the Leader of the Orange Steves, this here is Orange Steve. '' Said Steve waved hi. "We would like to know who you are, where you're from and what happened since we found you in the forest, badly injured and unconscious." Orange Leader tells them, the Unknown Steve hummed softly, then sighed. "My name is Light Steve. I'm from the Rainbow Town-" "Wait, from the myths?" Orange Steve commented, interrupting Light Steve by accident.

"Myths? Right, this is a whole different Realm then my own..." Light Steve muttered, Orange Leader looked confused when he heard him say that, but Orange Steve did not seem as though he had heard it. Light Steve then looked at the Orange Leader, giving a look that speak as if he wish to speak with him alone. He nodded. "Orange Steve? Mind leaving the room? I need to ask Light Steve some questions in private." Orange Leader asked, Orange Steve huffed, but left the room nonetheless.

Light Steve sighed, then looked at Orange Leader with a serious look, which caused said person to feel a shiver go up his back. "Orange Leader right? I, Light Steve, need you to do something for me when I leave this realm and returned to my own." Light Steve said, looking at Orange Leader with a stern look.


I sighed, I'm not sure how long I have been here, but I just hope Steve is doing okay. Even though he had no choice, but to take half of my power in order to prevent the enemy from completely corrupting me and destroying me...or using me, it still hurts no matter what. I shake my head and quietly get up, making sure to not make a single sound, even with the chains on my wrist. I look around the dampen and dark cell, with a misty darkness, something no others can survive against if not careful or immune to its effects.

Once I found something sharp enough, I used it to quickly jam the locks to free me from the chains and from the cell. Once I was sure I was able to go, I quickly grabbed my stuff that's on the table then Teleported.


Why was everything blurry? Who are the two people running to me worried? Why is one of them familiar? Were they trying to call out my name? I'm not sure anymore...Everything is beginning to fade to black.


My name was all I heard until I was no longer in the world of awakening.



What may possibly happened with all of this stuff I added? Who knows! I wonder how much unknown information I have left here can lead to, hmm. Maybe I intended for this chapter to be really mysterious! Yeah, perhaps so. Theories and ideas are all welcome!

For those that don't know, I have a Discord Server specifically for no reasons. At all. I just made it out of boredom and cause why not! If you want to be invited to the server, let me know in the comments and I'll send the link or you can look in my profile. Anywho, this is all, the next chapter is already in progress. See ya in the next update!


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