Chapter 15 - Say Goodbye

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"You know what I want, Raive." Rainbow Red calmly answered, smiling, Raise just growled in anger. "How do you even know my name?!" He shouted in anger, Rainbow Red just chuckled. "I have my ways Raive. Your father held secrets. Secrets that could have shaken up the truth behind everything we all ever thought about." He Said, taking a step forward, Raive glared at him, staying guard in front of Sabre and Orange Steve. "Orange Steve, I need you to get Sabre out of here." Raive asked, looking at him, Orange Steve nodded.

"B-But R-Raive..." Sabre trailed off, scared to lose his last family. Raive smiled softly, he walked over to him and had him wear something. It was a Circlet, before Sabre could ask what it was, Raive patted his head, then went to fight against Rainbow Red. A protesting Sabre was dragged away by Orange Steve. Sabre tried hard to go back, but Orange Steve wouldn't allow it. He promises Raive that he will protect Sabre when he can't, with a heavy sigh, Orange Steve picks him up and takes him to the temple, the closest place he can get to at this time.


Rain and Rainbow Red stepped back, they stared at one another for a good minute, until Rainbow Red attacked him, Raive blocked the attack with his sword, just barely, standing his ground as he was pushed back a block or two. Standing in his place, he tried to push him off, which didn't work. Not thinking twice, he summoned lightning at him, getting Rainbow Red to jump back to avoid the Lightning.

Raive took this chance to attack him, Rainbow Red was startled and barely had the chance to block, Raive took this chance to kick Rainbow Red, then side rolled when he threw lightning at him, Raive attacked again, but kept up with his reaction. Rainbow Red blocks, dodged and countered, of course Raive does his best to dodge and block, getting injured along the way.

After fighting for quite awhile, Raive was mostly injured, unlike Rainbow Red, seeing as he had more strength and skills then Raive.

The two stared at each other once again as rain began to fall, at the strike of lightning in the background, the two fought once again.


By the time Orange Steve had taken Sabre to the temple, it was already raining, it was a storm to say the least. Without a second thought, he went to the temple gate, carrying a sobbing Sabre. Orange Steve felt bad for taking Sabre away, but he had to, Raive wanted him to keep Sabre safe. Once they got to the gates, it somehow opened for some reason, Orange Steve didn't pay much attention to it and took Sabre inside. He put him on the pedestal and comforted him as best as he could.

Even though they're both wet from the rain.

Orange Steve sighed, he just does his best to comfort him, created a blanket and wrapped it around Sabre. Said person just didn't stop crying, worried and scared to lose his last family. "Sabre, It will be okay, Raive can handle this on his own, I think." Orange Steve said, trying to Comfort Sabre. Said person just sniffles, having no more tears left to shed. He just hugs himself now, Orange Steve sighed, hugs him.

Then realized something.

"How did the gates to the temple open...?" He questioned, looking around, Sabre looked at him, confused, then realized he was right. How did the gates open?

Sabre stands up, held onto the Blanket, seeing as he's still cold. He looked around, standing on the pedestal, then saw the prophecy. The Prophecy of the Rainbow Here. "Orange Steve...I think this is the prophecy of the Darkness and Hero..." Sabre trailed off, staring at the prophecy, Orange Steve started as well, Realizing it as well. Then they suddenly heard footsteps. Surprised and shocked, they turned around and saw the darkness. They paled, before they could do anything, the darkness vanished and the Gates closed tightly.

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