Chapter 12 - Fear and Unexpected surprises

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Gerald was running through the forest, wanting to explore for a while, of course he already got Orange Steve permission to do so. Which is why he's casually running through the forest, until he bumped into something or someone. Getting up and shaking the dizziness away, he looked up to see someone, surprisingly.

The person in front of Gerald is a young man wearing a darkish red trench coat, fair peach skin, light bluish eyes, that seems a bit strange for that shade of blue. Dark brownish hair that's somewhat messy and short, but seems fairly soft. There's also a blue rose in his hair, a black shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, a belt strapped across his chest, holding a bow at the back. Dark brown trousers and light grey boots.

"What a little piggy doing out here?" The stranger asked, kneeling in front of Gerald, petting their head. Gerald made a sound of approval, until the stranger stopped petting him, Gerald looked at him in confusion. The stranger smiled a little then stood up. "Sorry little piggy, but I have to go, I need to hurry before-" He stopped speaking, picked up Gerald and ran, getting Gerald to squeak in surprise and slightly confused. He wasn't sure what was happening.

Gerald tried to look back, only to immediately regret it and squeal in fear. "hush little piggy, I'm trying to get us both a way to escape them." The stranger said, looking around as they ran, eventually, found a decent area to hide in and immediately went there, they hid for quite awhile, until the group of people left. The Stranger sighed in relief when they left, he looked at Gerald and put him down. "You okay little piggy?" He asked, Gerald nodded a little, somewhat shaken up, well, more like terrified, by the sight of what was chasing them.

Of course Gerald would be terrified to see 5 black blob looking dolls that are as large as a door and literally have open mouths with razor sharp teeth with the doll body being shredded to reveal the creepy thing it is.

Anyways, the stranger patted Gerald's head. "I suggest you get back to your home, alright?" He said, Gerald nodded and ran back to the Orange Steve home.

Until Gerald was suddenly picked up by something or someone. He tried to get out of the being's grip, until he saw who it was. It was Rainbow Red, Gerald did NOT like him, not one bit, he tried to bite his hand to get out, only to get smacked by him. "Stopped your resistance you annoying pig." Rainbow Red growled, Gerald stopped struggling, scared.

Rainbow Red smiled and carried Gerald else where. After a good while, they arrived at a portal, but just before they could walk into the portal, Gerald bit Rainbow Red hand, hard and rub when Rainbow Red dropped him after he bit him. He chased after Gerald, until a Gerald suddenly vanished. Rainbow Red was left there, baffled by how that remotely happened.


Gerald suddenly appeared in a sky like realm, with the ground acting like water, yet, it was actually solid ground. Confused, he stood up- Wait a minute, Gerald looked down and screamed.

He had a human form.

"H-how!?" Gerald shouted in shock, then covered his mouth.

He had just spoken. He calms himself and looks at his, well, new appearance. He had pale pink hair that's silky smooth and put into a side braid. A golden crown with a few gems on his head, a dark red cotton long sleeve tunic, with a red silky cotton cloak with white fur on the outline, black trouser, silver grey knee high boots. Fair skin and pale pink eyes, oh and he also has pig ears and a tail.

Gerald, to say the least, was amazed by his appearance.

"Hello, Gerald."

Said person jumped in fear, he looked at who spoke to him, only to relax to see a Dark blue Steve- wait a minute, Dark Blue?? "Who are you??" He asked, looking at the odd Steve.

He wore a pale blue tunic with a Dark blue wool jacket, dark grey trousers, white and black shoes, slightly tan skin, Dark Blue hair and dark blue eyes. "My name is Overseer, in my realm, I am considered an Elder Blue Steve for my darker coloration." Overseer, said in a calm tone, Gerald just looked at him cautiously. "Okay...Why am I here?" He then asked, Overseer sighed.

"That is the reason I brought you here, It's time I told you what your role will be from now on...And it is something neither of us would like." Overseer said with a bit of a solemn tone, Gerald felt shiver went up his spine, something tells him he would REALLY hate what he would learn.


Orange Steve was worried he hadn't found Gerald anywhere, until Gerald unexpectedly tackled him, Orange Steve sighed in relief and hugged him. "Now where did you go? Did you have an adventure or something?" He asked, Gerald just oink in response, nuzzling him. Orange Steve just smiled, thinking he just had an adventure and went back to him.

Haha, how wrong he was to assume Gerald was on an Adventure though. 


Chapter done. 

Four more to go before this Books end and we get part two. :)

Anyways, I'm bored, so, I'mma just stalked discord until something interesting happens. :P


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