Chapted 7.5 Gerald and Orange Steve

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Orange Steve was cleaning up his house, even though he lived alone, he was glad that he had Gerald to keep him company now. He sighed, now that he thought about it, he never did tell anyone else that he had a friend named Gerald, who's a baby pig. Said pig nuzzles Orange Steve leg, wondering why he's upset.

Orange Steve smiled softly and picked him up. "I'm okay Gerald, just thinking about the others in the village." He tells him Gerald tilts his head, confused. He never knew about the others or the village. Orange Steve noticed Gerald's confused look, then facepalm. "Right, I didn't tell you much about the Orange Village...wanna go visit them?" He then asked, Gerald eyes lit up, he was honestly excited.

He squealed in excitement, wanting to meet others. Orange Steve smiled and put him down. "Come on then." He said as he went to the front door, waiting for Gerald who quickly followed after him, as fast as he could due to his small appearance. Orange Steve giggles, finding that quite adorable honestly. Once they were out of the house, he locked the door, then led the way to the Orange Steve village that wasn't too far thankfully.

Gerald on the other hand, was honestly excited to meet other people like Orange Steve. He was even hopping each step he took.


By the time Orange Steve and Gerald get to the village, Orange Steve can already see some of his friends talking to one another. Picking up Gerald, he walked over to them. "Hey Guys." "Hey Orange- Who's the small piglet?" Happy Orange Steve asked, Orange Steve smiled. "This is Gerald, just a few days ago, on my way home, I found him getting attacked by three wolves. Being the reckless one, I saved him and kept him since then." He explained, with Gerald oinking in confirmations.

Shy, Happy and Leader look at Gerald with a happyish look, honestly, they found Gerald adorable right about now. Gerald stuck his tongue out a little. "Aww, Gerald is so adorable!" Shy said with a giggled, Orange Steve tried his best to not say 'I ship it' when he saw Orange Leader blushes a little when he heard Shy giggles.


Wait a second.

"What do you mean you came across some wolves?" "Absolutely nothing!" Orange answered, internally screaming by the small slipped up he had made. Be simply forgotten that his friends, despite being the youngest in the group, can be quite overly protective. Orange leader was about to question him when he got elbowed in the stomach by Shy. "Are you going to keep Gerald?" Shy asked with a concern smiled.

"Of course I'm keeping Gerald, he's my friend." Orange Steve answered, the others looked at him concerned. "Are you sure about this? It is a responsibility to take care of yourself and Gerald." Happy carefully asked, Orange Steve nodded. He wanted a friend where he won't always be lonely and that's Gerald.

Said pig squeaks, actually quite hungry right about now, since it should be around noon at the time. They all giggle, finding it funny how Gerald had acted.

Until all of their stomachs had growled, some blushed while Orange Steve just burst into laughter, followed by the others. Gerald made his equivalent of a laughter when he saw the others' expressions. Orange Leader smiled. "We all should seriously get something to eat, plus, get along with Gerald, right?" He said, looking at Orange Steve who nodded. All agreeing with what to do they all went off to get something to eat.

For Gerald, it was the greatest day of his life, he had a friend and some more friends to call his family.

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