Chapter 13 - A Gift, the necklace, Warning

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Sabre eventually got to Orange Steve's house, where they just hung out for a while and talked about other stuff. Sabre also tells Orange Steve about the memories he regained quite recently, but still can't remember fully. Sabre just shrugs and keeps talking to Orange Steve about some things in life, until Orange Steve notices something odd. "Sabre?" "Yes?" "Why is your necklace glowing?" Orange Steve pointed out, looking at Sabre's currently glowing necklace.

Sabre was confused, he held the Necklace as it just stopped glowing. "That say the least." Sabre commented, Orange Steve nodded in agreement. Only to flinch. Sabre looked at him with concern. "What wrong?" Sabre asked, concerned, Orange Steve shudders in slight fear. "I think something just happened to Raive, not sure why, but It just felt wrong." Orange Steve told Sabre with a worried tone, Sabre froze a little, then quickly grabbed his bag and ran out the house, going to his home.

"Sabre!!" Orange Steve shouted, running after Sabre, just as worried as he is.


By the time Sabre and Orange Steve got to the house, they found Raive leaning on the tree, reading a book, perfectly fine. Sabre immediately goes to him, worried and confused. "Raive?" He asked, Raive , look at Sabre and Orange Steve, confused. "Sabre? Orange Steve? I thought you both aren't gonna come back here until later?" He asked, very much confused.

Sabre was about to say something, but his necklace started glowing again.

Which confused all three of them.

They didn't know what the glowing meant, but it's probably something not good or something. Raive Sighed and put the book away. He felt as though time was running out, he didn't know why he felt that, but it made him shudder. "Since you both are here, why not have some drinks? Oh and also, Sabre?" Raive asked, looking at Sabre who's confused.

"A package came in for you, it's from your past." Raive told him calmly, Sabre was confused, a package from his past arrived? Why? "Why is there a package for me?" Sabre asked, Raive shrugged, just as confused as he is. He went into the house, then came back, holding a normal size package. He hands it to Sabre, as said person takes it and carefully opens it.

Raive and Orange Steve stepped back and just watched.

After Sabre opened the package, he took out what looks to be a handmade bow, just for him. It was astonishing to say the least. Made with an unknown wood, carved carefully with dust of what seems like Rainbow Stone dust, which only Sabre knows about. It's also made with a comfortable grip and a string that seems to be really strong, there was also his name, engraved on the bow, written in the Steves Language. Sabre smiled, he was happy to be given this bow.

"That's actually a really cool bow Sabre!" Orange Steve said with amazement, Sabre nodded, putting the bow in his inventory. "I think my older brother made it for me, but I'm not too sure. Although, a bow seems fitting." Sabre Said with a soft smile, Orange Steve and Raive nodded. "Come on, I'll go make some snacks for you both." Raive said, going into the house, Orange Steve and Sabre looked at each other, then tried to prevent one another from getting into the house first.


Rainbow Red Smiled, he had everything prepared. All he needs now is to wait for Sabre and Orange Steve to search for the Crystals, then take it for himself. He looks at Nightmare King, who is preparing for his own agendas. Soon enough, the wheels of destiny will move.

Eventually, things will all fall in his favors.



Herobrine watched from his place in the shadows, he knows time is running out, he and the others need to get everything ready. Overseer training Gerald to be Rainbow Quest Seer. Now, he and the others have to hurry.

Although...He really needs to figured how to deal with the worse world-


A few hours later....

While Raive, Orange Steve and Sabre hung out and all, there was a knock on the door, confused, Orange Steve answered the door to see nothing, but a note. He takes the note and reads it, only to pale. He quickly went to the others and showed them the note, they both too paled.

The note was a warning.

The Darkness was awakening.

And to be prepared, things will not be the same anymore.


Bloody hell-

This chapter took a while to make because I had to figure out what I was gonna add here. Anyways, that is all and I'm gonna internally suffer as I write the Rainbow Quests Recaps.

Either way, this book is gonna end Soon. O.O"

Wasn't expecting that so soon, but Book 2 will likely be more in tune with the canon timeline, but at the same time, it won't, so yeah.


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