Chapter 8 - His short Return

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3 years later...

Sabre and Red Steve were playing in the fields, it has been three years since then, Sabre had learned to better controlled all of his powers that had awaken, even though it's been three years, Sabre had grown faster than a player should, by now he should be around the age of nine. Granted, he was originally a young adult before.

He wore a white hoodie, auburn brown shorts that ended at his knees, Light blue shoes, his Rainbow colored Scarf wrapped around his neck and his blindfold covering his eyes. Red Steve on the other hand wore a pale red sweater, dark grey pants and black and white shoes. He also wore a strawberry shaped hair clip, he also had a slightly tan skin, fluffy strawberry red hair and Rose red eyes.

Of course, being children, they were playing in the fields near the orange village with their friend there friend, Orange Steve and his friend Gerald, the small piglet.

Orange Steve wore a pale orange hoodie, a bandage patch on his cheek, amber orange eyes, Fluffy but messy pumpkin orange hair, Dark brown pants and dark green and white shoes.

The three childrens and the little piglet all kept playing...

Until the sky had suddenly darkened. Confused and Scared, the childrens and piglet head back to the Leader house, knowing it's the only safest place for them at the time. Until, they were stopped by a dark shadowy being, holding no expression or face, blocking their path. Thinking quickly, the kids tried to get away, only to be surrounded by more of the creature. To say the least, they were terrified as thunder clashed against the sky, showing it had become a thunderstorm.

"Did you find the child?" A dark voice asked, the shadowy being nodded, grabbing Sabre forcefully, who struggled to get out of there grip. The others tried to get to Sabre, but they too were trapped in the other shadowy beings gripped, unable to save their friend. "Leave him alone!" Red Steve shouted, getting angry by the second.

The dark voice chuckled, they stepped forward and forced Sabre to look at them. "It's been a long time, hasn't it? Sabre." Sabre eyes widened, well, if they were visible that was, he recognized the voice and shaked in complete fear, worrying both Red Steve and Orange Steve. They never seen Sabre be this scared of something before.

Rain kept coming down and a flash of lightning was shown. Revealing who was speaking in a dark voice.

An unknown being with a blank grey surface that should have been a face, cracked in what seems to be scars. Dark faded to light grey messy hair, darl, but faded brown trench coat that's tattered at the end, dark grey button shirt, black pants, worned out and faded dark brown boots.

It was Faceless.

"Hehehe, now Childrens, no need to struggle, No one's gonna save you now." Faceless said, causing a shiver to go down the children's back, they were helpless and scared, unable to do anything.


Orange leader grows worried, he knows that the Thunderstorm has rolled in, he and Mr.Red are both worried about why the Childrens have not returned to the house. Growing more worried by the second, Mr.Red suggested that they go find the childrens to make sure that they are safe. Orange Leader nodded, agreeing with Mr.Red, to say the least, he has a very bad feeling.

The two Steve left the house and searched for the childrens, after a good while, they found the Childrens and the Darkness surrounding them and an unknown being as well. Angered, Orange Leader attacked the darkness, startling the unknown being and surprising the Childrens.

"Orange Leader!? Mr.Red!?" Orange Steve shouted, surprised but relieved to see him and Mr.Red, said Steve joined in on the fight to try and get to the childrens. Recovering from the sudden appearance of Mr.Red and Orange Leader, he growled in complete anger. He immediately attacked Mr.Red, who managed to block the attack with the Iron sword he had. He knows it's no match against the Diamond Sword the enemy had. Which he dubbed Faceless since they got no face.

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