Chapter 3 - The Mission and Discovery

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"You have failed to get Sabre Saga. Faceless." A dark and deep voice said, Faceless, who is kneeling on the ground. "I apologize, master. Rainbow Steve had hindered my mission by sending him to another Realm." He answered, the Master growled, they were very much not pleased to hear that. "Faceless, you know what happens when you failed your mission." The master said, Faceless pale, or he would have. Would he have an actual face?

"Yes...Master." He quietly says, accepting his punishment.


A young Steve wakes up, having to find out it is already morning. He yawns, then gets up, changing their clothes from comfortable pajamas to casual clothes. Of course in the color of Orange, his favorite color. After getting changed, he grabbed his coat and put it on, then left his home. Taking a stroll around the village he lives in.

As he walked around the village, he was greeted by many of his friends and people. They all said their good morning and went about their morning routine. The Young Steve smiled, decided to go to the forest because his friend tends to be there often. As he walks to the forest and to where his friend is, he can't, but feel as though something may have happened. It was a strange, yet forbidding feeling.

He shakes his head, ignoring it for now and continues his way to a lake that his friend is always at. Eventually he found his friend, Orange Steve, who was just younger than him by at least 6 years. "Hey Orange." He called out, the young Orange steve, who seems to be around the age of 8, looked up at him. "Hey leader, what bring you here?" The young Orange Steve asked, Leader shrugged. "Nothing much, just wanted to see how your doing, seeing as your always here by yourself so often." He answered as he stood next to him and looked at the lake.

"I guess so, but with being...out of place, compare to others, it's just lonely." Orange Steve said, hugging his knees. Leader sighed. "I know, but maybe one day you would be able to find your own place. Although, I think it would be best if you live outside of the village and somewhere near Mr. Red place. I mean, he could help you with learning what your place could be." He suggested, Orange Steve look at him and smile. "Yeah, that does sound like a good idea honestly. Mr. Red is really nice and doesn't mind helping us here." He said, smiling.

Until they both went stiff when they heard something nearby. They look at eachother then at the general direction of the sound. "Want to investigate?" Orange asked. "Of course, I do have to investigate since I'm the Orange Leader." Leader answered as he went to the direction of the sound with Orange Steve following behind him.

After a while, they found something...surprising. "What the heck...?"


Red Steve or Mr. Red as he's often referred to, sighed, he was trying to get Sabre to at least eat something, but he refuses, crying for Rainbow Steve. He knew that he wouldn't be able to see him again, but it doesn't mean that his heart ache. Just at the sight of Sabre Silver white and sapphire blue eyes filled with tears. "Sabre, please, just please eat something. I know you missed Rainbow Steve, but he wants you to be safe. You need to be strong for him, okay?" Mr. Red tries comfort him, eventually, Sabre ceased his crying a little and eat.

Mr. Red smiles softly. Glad that Sabre is able to at least eat something, even though it took almost the whole morning. "Papa? Is Sabre okay?" Red Steve asked, Mr. Red nodded, having to finish feeding Sabre and hold him. "Yes Red, Sabre is okay, he was just upset about something is all." He answered, Red Steve looked at him, a little suspicious, but nodded.

"Okay then Papa." Mr. Red smiled and patted Red Steve's head, who smiled. Sabre started crying a little, Mr. Red sighed and gently rubbed his back in a comforting motion. "Papa? Is Sabre okie?" Red Steve asked, Mr. Red sighed. "I don't know kiddo, he has been crying all morning, but don't worry about it, okay?" Mr. Red said, Red Steve nodded in understanding.

After a while, Sabre eventually calmed down, whimpering a little. Mr.Red didn't like seeing Sabre like this, he sat down and kept Sabre close. Red Steve sits next to him and looks at Sabre in worry, he knows Sabre shouldn't be crying or acting like this so much. "Papa? I don't think Sabre is okay..." Red Steve trailed off, Mr.Red looks at him. "What makes you say that?" He asked, Red Steve pointed at the Sabre scarf. "Sabre keeps on holding onto the scarf as if it's important and does not want to lose it?" He said, Mr.Red hum. "Red Steve, that scarf belongs to someone very special to him, he doesn't want to lose something from them. When you're older, I will tell you the truth, okay?" Mr. Red tells him, Red Steve nodded in understanding.

Until they heard a knock on the door. Confused, Mr.Red gave Sabre to Red Steve, who held him gently and gently hugged him. Sabre nuzzles him, feeling comforted. Mr.Red smiled. "Stay here with Sabre, okay?" He said, Red Steve nodded. Mr.Red then went to the door and opened it. "Hello?"

"Hello, Mr.Red."

"...Yellow King?" 

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