Chapter 4 - The Nightmare

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"Hello, Mr. Red..."

Mr. Red sighed, then glared at the Yellow King, standing right in front of him. He wore a pale yellow shirt, a golden yellowish red cloak with white fur outline. Darker yellow pants, golden brown boots. His hair is a silky platinum Yellow, the golden crown glimmers, along with a single red gem on the center. His skin is fair and his eyes are unique for a Yellow Steve. They were pale green, fitting them perfectly.

"What do you want, Yellow King? I thought I told you that I don't want to see you anymore." Mr. Red calmly said, Yellow King sighed softly, holding his arm and looking away. "I'm sorry Mr. Red... I didn't mean to hurt your feelings in any way Mr. Red..." He softly answered, not daring to go look at him, to meet his scalding glare. Mr. Red sighed, he knew that he should hold a grudge, but what Yellow King did, won't be something he will ever forget, nor forgive him quite yet. "Yellow King, I still can't- !?"

Mr. Red began to panic when Yellow King suddenly collapsed, thankfully, Mr. Red had caught him in time.


The Yellow King wakes up, realizing that he was on a bed. He heard the door open, realizing it was Mr. Red, he looked at him.

He wore a soft pastel yellow button shirt, dark mahogany brown pants, dark red shoes. Fair skin, vibrant red eyes, wore glasses, vibrant dark red hair. He looked quite nerdy and adorable, Yellow King thought. Only to mentally shake his head no. Realizing he should not have these thoughts.

Not after what he had done long ago.

"-ow king, are you even listening?" Mr. Red asked, snapping his fingers in front of Yellow king face. He was startled, had he been thinking for so long? "Yes, sorry, what was it you asked again?" yellow King politely asked, actually sorry he zoned out. "I was asking why you were here?" He answered.

The Yellow King looked Confused honestly that's, not what he remembered. "Strange, I remember coming here to ask for your forgiveness, you even glared at me and everything." Yellow King answered. Now it was Mr. Red turned to be even more confused, but concerned. "Yellow King, I said I forgive you not long ago. In our last meeting." Mr. Red answered. Yellow King immediately backed away, only to realize his wrist had been chained. Panicked, he looked up at Mr. Red, only to completely go pale.

What stood in front of him wasn't Mr. Red, but instead, was a completely fatally injured and dying version of him. The whole room was dark. There were chains and blood everywhere.

The Yellow King felt true fear at the sight of this.

"You did this to me Yellow King. You know you did, there's no denying it." The Fake Mr. Red said in a chilling, yet icy tone. Causing Yellow King to quiver in fear and guilt. He tried to look away, only for the fake Mr. Red to force him to look at him. A sickening smile and a lifeless face is what greeted the Yellow King. He was terrified and guilt ridden. He was forced to watch the fake version of Mr. Red twist into nothing, but black liquid. Dissolving.

Yellow King immediately cried out in fear when the cold liquid surrounds him, slowly consuming him as he feels nothing but the shivering cold nothingness. Slowly consuming him, he tried to get away, call out for him. But no one could save him. Slowly being choke, suffocating from the deathly poison-



Yellow King woke up with a sharp gasp, he was cold. Cold from the dark chilling feel he had felt from the dream- or was it a nightmare- or a reality? He wasn't sure, he couldn't tell, everything around him was dark, yet not. He faintly felt someone hugged him, but he felt unsafe from it, he tried to get away, but couldn't. Everything felt suffocating-


"Shh, it's okay Yellow King, I'm here. Just relax and breathe." The Yellow King faintly heard Mr. Red said softly. He whimpered, trying to get away, only to be held closely, the Yellow King heard Mr. Red heartbeat and was instantly calmed down and hugged him tightly. He knows he's the real Mr. Red. Yet, a part of him just thinks he doesn't deserve to be cared for. 

"Yellow King? You okay?" Mr. Red asked, Yellow King shakes his head, he was not okay. Not in the slightest. Mr.Red sighed, he was honestly worried to say the least. He knows he shouldn't forgive him, but at the same time...He can't always be mad at him after all. He once again sighed. "Yellow King?" He asked, the said steve hums a little in acknowledgement.

"I forgive you." Mr. Red said, Yellow King looked at him with disbelief, whimpers thinking he lied. Mr.Red looks at him in worried concern, he holds him close and softly pet his head. "Shh, it's okay. I'm not lying Yellow King, I realized I shouldn't always keep a grudge forever. What's done is done, theirs no changing the past." He softly says, Yellow King looks at him with a scared and terrified look.

Mr.Red was unsure why he was like this, until Red Steve came into the room, holding a crying Sabre. "Papa, Sabre is crying- uh?" Red Steve trailed off, confused. Yellow Steve blinked then looked at Mr. Red. "You have kids???" "uhh, yes? I mean, I adopted Sabre last night, so yeah I have two kids now. Want to help me raise them?" Mr.Red nervously asked, Yellow king blink. Then his expression turned into utter shock. "WHAT?" 



Should I have this actually be a ship or no?

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