Chapter 10 - The crystals

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Red Steve sighed, it's been some years since his parents death, since the day the Nightmare King had taken over the yellow kingdom. He never told Sabre the truth, he wasn't ready to learn the truth at such a young age. Shaking his head a little, he left his house to find Sabre.

What Red Steve never noticed was someone had been watching from the distance. Someone with pure white eyes.


Sabre sighed, he looked at the lake water, thinking.

Sabre wore a white jacket, pale icy blue cotton shirt, black trousers, His hair is the same chocolate brown, except, it seems slightly faded and more messy and soft. Sabre sighed, holding his slightly faded Rainbow scarf. His Dad told him that his oldest brother gave it to him before he was left at his dad's, well, adopted dad's front door. At times, Sabre understood, he was a smart kid after all.

Sabre held a soft yet sad smile, it has been some years since the death of his parents. Since then, Red Steve had to raise him all on his own, well, at least Sabre had his best friend, Orange Steve, to keep him company during the years.

Sabre held his head, feeling a ping of pain.


"Sabre! Come on! We need to hurry and find [Redacted] Before [Redacted] get all of the Apples in the House!" [Redacted] said, Sabre just sighed and kept following. "You know, [Redacted] you're my Best friend. You promise you wouldn't Betray me?" He asked, [Redacted] looked at him with a big smile. "I promise!'


Sabre takes off his Blindfold and rubbed his eyes, wiping away the tears. "Who...was that? Why were they...familiar?" He asked himself, looking at the water to look at his right eye being a silver blue color and his right being a crystal green. "Maybe I'll be able to find out more about my missing past..." Sabre muttered as he put on the blindfold again.

"So this is where you've been, huh Sabre?" Said person looked behind him to see Red Steve. "Hey Bro, needed me for something?" He asked, Red Steve shakes his head. "Not Really, well, sorta. I just needed to tell you something." Red Steve said as he sat down next to Sabre, who seemed confused. "Tell me something? Like what?" He asked with confusion in his voice.

Red Steve nodded. "You see, father and dad held a crystal. It was a special and powerful crystal that all steves had. However, the Red crystal, dad once had, was taken or rather yet stolen by a Red Steve that fell into corruption." Red Steve tells him, Sabre frowned, feels as though he knows who took the red crystal, but he was unsure as his memories were blurry. He shakes his head and listens to Red Steve.

"Our Father, Yellow King, once had the Yellow Crystal, until the Yellow kingdom was attacked and he was dethroned. Losing the crystal, his throne...and his and dad's life..." He quietly says the last part, Sabre stayed quiet. He didn't like being told about his parents death. Or anyone he knows died. Red Steve pulled Sabre into a hug and rubbed his back. "I know you don't like hearing about others death and I'm sorry, but You know the topic would be brought either way." He said, Sabre hugs him tightly, but nodded a little in understanding.

"I know, it just hurts to know..." Sabre quietly muttered, Red Steve sighed and softly patted his head. "I know, but let's go, it's getting late and I still have a lot to tell you about the crystals and the other Steves." He said, Sabre nodded, stopped hugging him and got up. Red Steve also got up and the two head back home, talking more about the Steves and the Crystals.

Meanwhile, One person with Pure blue eyes and another person with Pure white eyes watched them leave. "It's only a matter of time before the gears of Destiny begins." Someone with Purple and Pure white eyes quietly says.


Someone with pure red eyes simply watched from his place in the darkest land known to anyone. "So, what of the crystals?" The being asked, Nightmare King rolled his eyes. "Only have the Yellow Crystal, unfortunately. The Red Crystal is held by Rainbow Red and the rest of the crystals are held by their respective colored Steve leaders." Nightmare Steve answered. The unknown being hums, thinking about his choices. "Mistress of chaos, what do you think I should do?" He asked, the mistress of chaos rolled her eyes.

"I do not care for your plans. However, letting someone gather the crystals and use that to your advantage is all I can say." She answered coldy. The unknown being hums, then smiled. "Very well then, Nightmare King. Keep an eye on whoever is gathering the Crystals, understood?" Nightmare King bows to the being. "Yes Sire." Nightmare King answered.

The unknown being smiled with anticipation. "Let's see how events shall play out now?~"


End of the chapter, Have fun with the cliffhanger. :)

The next couple of chapters will focus on some events, however, I will add some plot twists, so watch out for that, until then, see ya in the next chapter.

Totally not gonna internally suffer while making the first official chapter of The Countdown-


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