Chapter 7 - Decision

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"...I accept." Orange Leader said, looking at Light Steve with a serious look. Said Steve looked at the Orange Leader in surprise, he didn't expect for him to accept so easily. "Just like that? I thought you wouldn't agree with anything I had told you?" Light Steve questioned, a bit startled to say the least.

"Well, you are right to say that, I myself still don't believe everything.yet I'm willing to try something, I just can't help but feel as though this was never meant to happen is all." He answered honestly with a slight Sheepish look. Light Steve simply looks at him, a bit curious yet in understanding. "That is true. My world was never meant to clash with yours, yet here we are. The sooner the problems of my world is taken care of, the sooner this world of yours can continue it sycle. Undisturbed by the outside forces that wishes to throw the fragile balance it contains." Light Steve responded, looking at their own hands with a distant and tired look.

His world was lost, left in shambles to the affects of extinction that gripped their species in a fierce grasp. The actions of their foolish and most hated God, their creator.

Orange leader may not understand what Light Steve is going through, but he be damn if he doesn't at least attempt let them feel free. It's not like this would be the last years of their existence, right?


"Have you made your decision yet? Nightmare King." The dark voice asked, curiously watching Yellow Steve be forcefully fused with some of the darkness. The Yellow Steve looked at the black emptiness that the being was likely at, watching then with dark red eyes, glaring at it.

"'Nightmare King' Is a Fitting name is it not?" He stands up, stumbling a little. "But I must say, this is better than I thought." He continue, looking at themselves, taking note of the black veins slowly growing, changing him more and more. He like such feeling of the darkness coursing through his veins. "Soon enough, when the time comes, I will overthrow the Yellow King, taking what is rightfully mine, it was a mere mistake for him to even be crowned anyways and take the Yellow Crystal." He continued, giving a sharp teeth smile.

He will savor the pain he will inflict upon him. The very same pain and betrayal he felt when he himself was banished.

The dark being just watched with amusement. "Oh? How will you go about that? Hm?" They wondered, curious about how he would exact his revenge. Reclaim what was once his, but too far out of his reach. He simply just chuckled. "I have a plan, it has yet to even begun, once it does. Well, I'll get everything I wanted and for my master." The Nightmare King responded, a dangerous glint caught in his now crimson red eyes.

Unknowingly, things have already been put into motion.


Orange Steve wondered back home, having already done what he needed to do for the day. Until he heard a sight cry of pain. Confused and worried, he went back into the forest to find the source of the sound. Finding three wolves, surrounding a baby pig, he quickly got a stick and cautiously walked to them. "Hey!" The wolves looked at Orange Steve, immediately growling at him.

Being the nervous and reckless idiot he is, he threw the stick in the other direction, distracting the wolves for a moment as he threw a bit of lightning at them, even though the lightning is more or less unstable, then quickly grabbed the baby pig and ran.

After making sure they're not being followed, Orange Steve heaved a sigh of relief, then starts heading back to his home. The baby pig squeals in confusion, unsure why Orange Steve had saved him. Said Steve looked at the baby pig with a soft smile. "I couldn't let you be eaten by those big bad wolves, which is why I saved you!" He said with a smile, the baby pig thought for a moment, then nuzzles him.

Orange Steve giggles. "Hmm, I'll name you....Gerald." He said, the newly named Gerald oinks in excitement, happy to be named and be friends with Orange Steve now.

But this doesn't seem like Gerald first time meeting someone like him, strangely enough.


Steve looked at Herobrine pale, bandaged and unconscious form, he was worried to say the least, he was startled out of his thoughts when he felt a hand on his shoulder, he looked up to see it was just Origin Steve. "Im sure he'll be alright Steve, he's a entity, ruler of the true Nether. He wonder stay down." He said, Steve smiled a little, then looked at Herobrine again. "He may be powerful, but he's still capable of being killed. One way or another, we're still likely to fall to our eternal death." He said, shedding a few tears.

He recall the time they both discovered that they are half of each other. Steve questionable strength and ability to carry so much like nothing to Herobrine great combat capabilities and leadership. As well as the two sharing the same exact looks with a minor detail different. They both were together since the beginning. Outliving everyone they ever known.

Steve Grieved the love of his friends. Herobrine lost the realm he rule to the destruction of its own doing.

Origin Steve sighed, he wished he could help, but he couldn't. He can't help Steve with something like this, all he needs to do is wait, wait until Herobrine wakes up again. Origin Steve sighed as he looked at the stars.

Hopefully this time, they can save this realm, he already doomed his own for his own actions.

Why was his own counterpart adamant about them leaving before it's too late? Too late to stop a endless cycle? Heck, what even is the cycle.


Yellow King watch the family of three enjoy the wonderful day while he sits by the house. Not bothering to join them, for fear of interfering with a family affair that's simply not his own. He rather just simply watch from afar if he was honest.

He can't stay for long either. He have to return to his kingdom soon.

"Yellow King? You okay? You been oddly distracted since you woken up from that nightmare a while ago." Mr. Red commented, startling Yellow King enough to yelp in surprise. Getting a laugh from Mr. Red, who just looks at him with amusement twinkled in their wisen eyes. "Up in the clouds again? That's just like you, a day dreamer when stressed." He commented, sitting down to look at the Children's play together in a simple game of tag.

Yellow King just rolled his eyes. "It's nothing too important, just enjoying the nice scenery before I have to returned back to the kingdom is all." He answered, waving off Mr. Red concerned looks. "If this about our safety, there's not too much to worried about. We'll be fine, plus we're not all that far from the orange village either." Mr. Red told him, watching the children still, then suddenly ruffled Yellow King hair, much to his protest.

Noticing what is happening, Red Steve brought Sabre over to them.

Sabre giggled, reaching his hand out, wanting to play with Yellow King fluffy hair. While Red Steve burst into laughter. Mr. Red and Yellow King looked at eachother, realizing that having each other presence was so bad, but didn't care and they both just laughed.

Not like anything tragic gonna happen.



Nothing isn't ever easy. This is merely the beginning. The beginning of many things that have yet to be unraveled. This universe was never meant to last. Two worlds, seperate by their rules and ideals, was never meant to clash.

How will they handle such consequences?

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