Protective Alex ☺️

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*willie gets hurt during a skateboarding accident and Alex gets protective over him *

Requested by: @omledde

Pair : wilex / romance


Willie and Alex were at the skate park Alex loved watching willie skate it was calming in a sense

Willie skated on the curve when he was knocked off slightly

he grabbed the pole but upon doing so he twists his ankle

Alex saw the whole thing his eyes got wide it freaked him out
He ran to his boyfriend side

" are you okay ?"

Willie chuckled slightly

" yes it's just sprained I am okay "

Even so, Alex still help pick willie up

" you sure your okay ?"

" yes babe I promise "


Alex made sure to keep an eye on willie and his ankle the swelling went down but Alex refused to let him skate

" babe come on "

Alex shook his head no

" not until your bruising is gone just because the swelling is down doesn't mean am letting go," he said sternly

Willie looked at Reggie for some help

Reggie held his hand up in surrender

"you're on your own I know better," Reggie said turning to willie

Alex smiled brightly at Reggie

" thank you, Reginald "

" anytime Alexander "

Willie rolled his eyes this was going to be a long week


A week had passed the bruising was gone but Alex was still hesitant to let willie go back out and skate

it felt like somehow Alex became the parent and Willie was the child

" babe I'll be fine okay "

Alex reluctantly nodded

As watched willie skate with ease

Alex had a small smile on his face

but he still felt like he shouldn't have let back on the board

but he shook the thought away as watched his boyfriend

Just then willie was about to hit a rock and Alex anxiety spiked

He soon ran to his side making willie almost lose his balance

" babe what the heck," he said

Alex pointed to the rock Willie almost hit

Willie nodded understanding now

The two sat at the park on a bench just watching the birds

"you're afraid of me getting hurt "

Alex looked down blushing slightly

" I just hated seeing in pain I don't that again," he said shifting slightly

Willie moves over to Alex and just hugged tightly  as Alex hugged back

" I am okay Alex I promise "

Alex nodded letting go of the hug

He groaned annoyed with how he was acting before

" my god am sorry am so sorry for how I was acting I just wanted to protect you ". He said really fast

Willie just laughed at his cuteness

" you know I love you right," willie said

Alex blushed brightly

" I love you too," Alex said

They kissed one another softly smiling into the kiss

As pulled apart both panting for air and grinning 

" now let's go home "


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