Reggie's crush 😍

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*Reggie has a nightmare and Luke is there to comfort him *

Requested by: @jaylosforlife

Pair: ruke / romantic


Reggie has always been known to have
horrible nightmares
But once they got saved from Calebs bolts

The nightmares only got worse
He keeps seeing the same thing over and over every night it seemed he kept seeing him and his band Dying by Caleb's wrath

He felt Caleb's hands on his neck sucking the breath out of him
As Luke and Alex watched with horror plastered across their faces

Usually, Alex would be there to
wake him up and talk him through the nightmares

Because Alex was always there he knew how to calm him down
But tonight was different because Alex wasn't here

Because Alex and Julie had gone out for the evening.


around 1 in the morning
Reggie screamed in his sleep

Startling Luke awake he carefully got up to see what was going on

That's when he saw Reggie on the couch crying in his sleep

" no " Reggie shouted out he was visibly shaken up
Luke couldn't bare seeing him like this he  carefully shook Reggie awake

" Reggie? Reggie "

Reggie's eyes opened wide in fear

" uh ... what .. l.Luke "

he slurred in his sleepy like state
Luke sat down next to his friend

" are you okay ?"

Reggie looked at Luke confused

" why wouldn't I be ?"

" because you were just shaking and shouting ?"Luke said softly Reggie's  eyes widen even more than before

" oh crap," he thought then he sighed heavily

" damn it ... " he groaned

Luke looked at him concerned
" Does this happen a lot ?"

Reggie just nodded not wanting to look him in the eye knowing he would break even more

" Why didn't you tell me ?"

Reggie sighed not sure how to answer him

"Cause I didn't want anyone to know Alex only found out cause he found me sleeping one night and talked me through it I didn't want anyone to pity me ".

Luke teared up some

" I wouldn't pity you "
Reggie gave a sad chuckle
"then what are you doing right now ? "

Luke taken back kinda hurt by Reggie words they were knives digging into his spine

" no am being a friend "
Reggie cringed slightly

At the word friend

He never Amit it but Reggie had a crush on luke He always had but then they died

Luke lifted his chin up making Reggie look at him

" I would never pity you "

The two made eye  contact neither one wanting to break  it as Luke glanced down at Reggie's lips as if debating if kiss him or not

Reggie started to lean in and
Luke followed

their lips met in the middle
the kiss was soft and sweet like honey

The kiss was Everything Reggie has ever dreamed it would be


Luke slowly pulled away blushing

" that was... um good"

Reggie smiled at Luke's flustered face it was adorable

" very good "

" so I like you ... do maybe want to

- Luke was cut off by Reggie
Shouting " yes "

Luke laughed
Kissing Reggie on the cheek

" your such a dork "

Reggie pouted slightly

" but I am your dork "


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