Misunderstanding part 2 😬

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This part 2 of 2

willie and Alex have been dating

Luke likes Reggie
but stops hanging around due to feelings and Reggie is bummed

so he is third-wheeling will  *

Requested by: @EmmaJensen262

Pair : wilex x ruke / romance


" babe it's not what it looks like I swear, " Alex said

Willie just scoffed and ran out

" willie wait ..." Alex said as ran after him

Leaving Luke and Reggie by themselves

The room was filled with nothing but complete and total silence

as Reggie kept looking at Luke wanting answers 

But Luke looked everywhere but Reggie

" I thought we were friends Luke "
" that's the problem "
Luke finally said his voice

cracking slightly

Reggie raised a brow confused

" What ?!  What do mean "

Luke just bit his lip nervously

" sit down with please I'll explain "

Reggie obeyed  and next Luke

I ...uh ..okay um I may ..or .May ..n.not have a ..crush on .y.y.you "
he shyly stuttered out  to Afraid to look Reggie in  his eyes

Reggie blushed slightly but then remembers what he saw between him and Alex

" n..no if did why tell Alex that "

Luke sighed grabbing Reggie hand

" he was helping me practice  so I  could tell you that I like you "

Reggie blush

" you did that for me ?"

Luke nodded as Reggie

pulled him into a kiss  their lips fitting  together perfectly 

It  was like a firework

had shot through the sky on the 4th of July

The kiss soon got heated

The two pulled apart panting slightly

"So worth the wait " Luke mumbled

Making Reggie giggle

" It really was "


Alex finally caught up with Willie
Outside near the Molina house

He grabs him stopping him from trying to leave again

" Just leave me alone Alex " he has tears streaming down his face

" willie please let me explain "

" Please do cause right now I feel like an idiot "

Alex's heart was hurting by his words it was like he was being stabbed  over and over again

" I ... swear nothing happened "

" yeah right...goodbye Alex  "

Alex's heart shattered.


crying tears pouring from his eyes  he couldn't lose willie not now

Willie stopped in his tracks

He turned around facing Alex

" w...what did you just say ?"

" I..said that I love you

Willie gave a sad smile at that

" what about Luke ...?"

Alex scoffed at that

" I don't love him the way I love you he is one of my best friends 
I love you and only you "

Alex said walking up to willie 

Willie was taken back by Alex confession  he gave a light smile


" can I hear that one more time please " he smirked playfully

" please willie I love you," Alex said in a playful manner

" I love you too Alex "

Willie then grabbed Alex's face smashing his lips on to his

Alex melted at willies touch the kiss was absolutely perfect

The two pulled apart blushing

And grinning like idiots

" That was ..." Alex started to say

" perfect " willie finished

Making the two break out into a fit of laughter

" yeah it was ..." Alex smiled


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