Vinterdager, Vinterkvelder

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"Make it snow, Jack!" The children cheered as they rushed towards him. There was already plenty, but they just loved to see him do his magic!

"All right, you might want to stand back for this one!" He then created a flurry of frost and snow that swam in all kinds of shapes around them. They tried to catch it in the air. Jack laughed and performed some more, making it so windy that the kids were nearly blown off their feet!

But it was all in good fun.

Among them was Sophie, who had seen it all by now, but she still managed to be amazed by his power. The kids all zoomed around each other to play in the new, fluffy mounds. "You're welcome!" Jack chuckled. It was intriguing to watch them all together; Jack had never gotten a chance to interact with kids so closely—in a way, it was like making up for all the fun times he'd lost in his years of loneliness. He knew he had certain responsibilities as an adult... but he still wanted to know what it was truly like to be a kid with friends. Had that opportunity been lost forever? He didn't think so.

To see Sophie happy, though, to know she was no longer sad and missing him, that was enough. She was quite the tomboy by nature, even without a brother to influence her. She preferred trousers over dresses, scoffed at the idea of getting married, and hated that she was expected to be 'docile' around boys her age. If anything, she was rather intimidating at times. But between her and Jack, she was also the same girl that loved fairytales, painting, and looking at flowers. He couldn't believe how independent she was becoming. He'd heard their mother lament that soon she wouldn't even need them... but that wasn't true. Sophie would always be loyal to her family.

Jack had come to realize his true self after all this time... he was quite the jokester! Good thing he'd mostly outgrown his moody teenage ways since he might've used that side of himself to torment more than tease.

"Psst! Jack!" Sophie ran over and held out her hand. He knew what that meant! He formed a perfect snowball for her, she took aim, and... direct hit! It was at one of her closest friends, Jamie. Elsa, Jack, and their mother were slightly convinced Sophie had a small crush, but she'd never admit it. In fact, she'd rather knock his teeth out than say so! But that was just how she showed affection. When they were alone, she'd talk about how smart and funny he was, how they loved to go on scavenger hunts in the forest together. Jack didn't even remember his first crush... if he'd had one at all at thirteen. None of that mattered now anyway, for Jamie was looking around for the perpetrator!

"I know that was you, Sophie!"

"It wasn't my snow!" She shouted.

"Hey!" Jack glanced at her.

"Snowball war!" Called one of their friends as he loaded up his own.

"Free for all!" Jack supplied the kids with snowballs. "All right, who needs ammo?" They all lunged at them before going all out in their snowball fight, Jamie using a sled as a shield, the twins Caleb and Claude hid behind their fort. Jack rarely participated, because he could never resist cheating by using his magic, but he was still more than happy to be a spectator. He sat on the ledge of their little arena and watched, laughing. These kids could go on forever!

He was suddenly hit in the back of the head with snow. "Whoa!" He startled and turned his head around. It had been Elsa.

"I thought I'd find you here." She joined him where he was seated. "Start another civil war?"

"Don't worry, it's harmless." They watched Jamie slip on the ice and fall on top of Sophie! There was a pause but then she forcefully flung him off of her and slung snow on him. Young love.

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