Datter av Mørket

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The woman from the woods was all that occupied Jack's mind that evening. He sat not listening in the study where the family was gathered for a reading of Macbeth. Elsa must have been feeling some sort of exhilaration from the adventure, because she was much more lively with her performance than she normally was.

She projected as she read, "Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here, and fill me from the crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty. Make thick my blood. Stop up the access and passage to remorse, that no compunctious visitings of nature shake my fell purpose, nor keep peace between The effect and it!"

Jack turned to his right when he heard his father coughing into his fist. He could tell he was trying to suppress it. He then looked to his left with his worried, blue eyes at Sophie, who had been wearing her new dress all day. It had been made with her in mind, so it was just perfect for her. He couldn't shake her screams, even though it hadn't come from her throat. What sort of wicked was this that mimicked the voices of his beloved all for her own sick enjoyment? Would the guardians know? Had they known who she was all this time?

The note told them nothing, it had been blank since Elsa emerged from the witch's tree. It didn't even mention a key, which Elsa was keeping safe in her chamber. Nicholas coughed more aggressively, startling Jack out of his thoughts. He coughed into the sleeve of his coat, but when he pulled his arm away, he looked disturbed by what he saw. Jack's brows furrowed in concern, but Nicholas stood up before he could say anything. He'd interrupted Elsa's soliloquy.

"Apologies, your royal highness." He said. "I'm afraid I'm catching a chill."

"There's nothing to apologize for." Elsa reassured.

"I'm going to retire for the night."

"You're sure?" Emily asked.

"I'm sure. Please, continue. I'll see you all in the morning."

"G'night, Dad." Sophie waved. Jack just quietly watched him leave the room. Should he have said something, or maybe offer to walk him back? No, it'd look too out of character. Jack scarcely missed the melancholic look in the king's eyes as Nicholas passed him... did he know something about it too?

"You know, it's been a long day of decorating and scheduling, I think we should stop here." Elsa said. She was eager to see what the guardians had to say!

Iduna was surprised, but relented. "All right, if you say so."

"Thank you so much for the dress again!" Sophie said, which warmed the queen's heart.

"Are you gonna be able to take it off for bed?" Emily giggled.

"Of course I am." Sophie replied with a snarky tone.

"I'll walk you to bed tonight." Jack offered, to which Sophie would never say no too. No matter how feisty and fiery she'd become, she was still the little sister who liked to hold Jack's hand when he took her to bed. It was more so because she had lost so many years of being with him; she remembered her affectionate older brother when she'd been small. He would help feed her and give her baths, though those times were rare—Sophie didn't understand why her brother couldn't play with or tend to her unsupervised... but now she did.

"I can't wait to wear my dress at the Yule Ball this year. All my friends are gonna see it."

Jack teased, "Oh, so you're hoping Jamie will ask you to dance with him?"

Sophie flushed, "No! I just like it when my friends see my new stuff."

Jack was laughing. "Okay, okay. My mistake." He didn't dare incur her wrath. "Your chambers, m'lady."

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