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Seven Years Later


Winter had arrived once again.

The lake just outside of Arendelle had frozen over, which meant it was finally available for ice skating.

A woman skated confidently towards the smooth ice in the center and called back to the shore. "See? Perfectly safe!" The girl at the bank wasn't so sure. She stood nervously in her skates. She was four years old and this was her first time. "Come on, Agnes! You can do it!"

Her hands were clinging tightly to her father's and she looked up at him. He knelt down and said quietly, "It's okay. Daddy's got you."

"You're not gonna let me fall in?"

"No." He smiled. "You're not gonna fall in." His blue eyes looked back into her brown ones; she trusted him, but still trembled. "I won't let go of you, I promise."

The woman nodded, both giddy to see her daughter skate for the first time and anxious that she didn't get scared and give up on her first try.

Agnes nervously put one foot on the ice and it instantly slid forward. She yelped and grabbed onto her father's hands like a vice grip. He tried not to chuckle. "You're okay! You're okay, just look at Mommy."

Her mother knelt down... as much as a four-month pregnant woman could kneel down. She offered an encouraging grin.

"You're gonna skate to Mommy, okay?"

She shook her head, lip quivering. "Mm-mm!"

"Daddy's gonna skate with you." That brought her some comfort and she looked up at him again. "Just stand up straight and push your feet forward." He stood up all the way but kept her hands in his. Carefully this time, she slid one foot forward, then the other.

"Good girl, that's it!" Cheered her mother.

Agnes smiled a little, but she slid again and her father kept her upright. "No, no! You're doing great!" He smiled. "Almost there."

Agnes' mother held her arms wide open and the girl, feeling safer as she got closer, went faster and faster. "You got it, Agnes, you got it!" Her father was cheering.

"Look! I'm doing it!" She then realized something. Her father wasn't holding her hands, but she was still standing up! She turned back at her proud, white-haired father. "I'm skating, Daddy!"

Her blonde mother grabbed her tight in her arms, "Good girl, Agnes! You're getting so big!"

Agnes, still a bit wobbly, skated back towards her father so she could take his hand and pull him closer to the center. "Just don't go too far, okay?" He reminded.

"But can't you just freeze the water?"

"Not if we fall in." He snorted, helping her keep steady. "Soon you'll be as fast as Mama and me."

"Yeah?" She beamed.

The woman got back up, her gait still much heavier than she was used to. Agnes went close to her and put her hand to her belly. "Is little brother having fun?"

"Oh, yes. He's so proud of you."

"I'm gonna teach him how to skate too!" She then squealed in excited fright when her father playfully swept her up and skated off with her.

"You better give her back to me!" His wife chased after them.

The family spent the next few hours playing in the snow. Little Agnes Overland could exhaust them somedays, for she wanted to run around and explore every nook and cranny of the forest, but her parents were sure to never let her stray too far. On their way back home, Agnes tugged suddenly on her mother's bunad. "Mama, look! Flowers!"

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