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Jack woke up with a start; he was back in his bed. He looked around—it was morning, and he was alone. The last thing he remembered was being doused with sand by a tiny man... Jack sat up with a sigh and pinched his forehead. "What the fuck...?" He grumbled. Of course it hadn't been real!

He got dressed and then went downstairs where the family was just gathering for breakfast. Jack looked at his father first; he was nuzzling Sophie as she playfully begged for a sweet role. He tried not to think only of what Nicholas had told him the night before. Just act normal. Iduna and Agnarr weren't present, which was unusual.

"Jack!" Sophie rushed to him. "Finally! You're awake."

Elsa turned to face him. "Good morning, sleepyhead! I tried to wake you up, but you wouldn't budge."

"Yeah..." He snorted, "I wish you had, I was having a really bizarre dream."

"Oh?" Emily went. "About what?"

"I don't even know." He took his seat. "There was a tall man with a beard, some kind of hummingbird-woman, and a giant bunny." It even sounded ridiculous!

Elsa and Sophie couldn't help but laugh. Emily shook her head. "I did always warn you, no sweets before bed."

"Who knew hot chocolate had such an effect on me?" Jack then glanced at his father, who was sipping his tea as if nothing was wrong. "Elsa, where're your parents?"

"Oh." She held up a finger signaling for him to wait as she chewed the rest of her toast. "They wanted to get a head-start on setting up for Yule this year."


"I know. You've seen it, they always ask us if we want to help."

"Maybe they're planning something new this year." Emily guessed.

"Ooh! I hope so!" Sophie smiled.

Jack glanced at Nicholas, who was characteristically quiet. It was normal for him not to speak much; he was a man who preferred to listen rather than commentate. But Jack was going to feel skeptical about every move he made from now on. Right then, Gerda arrived, bringing some more food to the table. "Oh, there you are, Jackson."

"Good morning, Gerda." He let her set a plate down in front of him.


"Yes, please." Really, Jack was only being polite. Over the years, he tried to take up some of the royal family's customs, like dressing in nice clothes and drinking tea... but sometimes he couldn't stand the taste! He could get away with a few slurps to show he'd tried to drink it, but it wasn't something he was requesting in his free time. The older woman had a quizzical expression, however. She quietly said to him, "Jack, my husband would like a word with you after breakfast."

Elsa had overheard, but she pretended not to.

"Oh no. What'd I do?"

"Nothing." She giggled. "He just has some questions he thinks you could answer." That didn't sound too odd; Kai liked to ask for Jack's help for certain decoration ideas every winter season. What better person to ask than someone who had winter powers his whole life? Last year he and Elsa helped cover all the tinsel in frost! What a chore that was.

"Dad, are you gonna come with me and mom to go ice skating today?" Sophie asked. Jack peered up at him.

"Sorry, sweetheart. I promised I'd help our neighbors chop more firewood.

"Aww... you can't come just for a little bit?"

"Someone's gotta help Arendelle stay warm."

Sophie pouted, but then perked right back up. "You guys will come, won't you?" She asked Elsa and Jack.

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