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Bunny was appalled. "Has Manny lost his mind?" He shouted once he and the other guardians were told what he'd had Elsa do. "I think he's playing a trick on us! April Fool's day on Christmas Eve!"

"He has his reasons!" Tooth tried to reassure. North was busy ensuring all of his presents were being delivered to listen to the arguing—it had been over two-hundred years since he missed a night on the field, but never was there a night of equal importance to his own job as this.

"Oi! North!"


"I'm not about to sit around and let all of our efforts go to waste!" He tapped his foot and opened a portal. "I'm following the girl!"

Tooth tried to stop him, "Wait, Bunny!" But he was already gone. "Stubborn house-pet!" She grumbled.

Sandman frantically pointed to the skylight and even North's attention was stolen by it. The full moon was upon them. "I don't believe my ears." North said. Tooth and Sandy leaned close to try and hear what the Moon was whispering to him, but it wasn't possible. "We've got to go out there!" He said, grabbing his sword again.

"What is it?"

"Now Jack's lost his bloody mind!" Did the full moon have that effect on everyone? The guardians raced into action.


Elsa stood back as the sand slowly became a shadow and transformed into a living, breathing creature. She put her hand over her mouth when she saw who it was. He looked down at her from his lofty stance with his eclipse-like eyes.

"Princess." He said in a mild-mannered voice and tipped his head. She began to snarl in anger and disgust—the last she'd seen of him, he was going to kill her father! Her hands began to light up for an attack, but he placed his own on the tube she held. This wasn't Pitch Black before her... it was Kozmotis. The teeth had restored his memories of human life; all of his mistakes and what he sought to fix... and most of all, what he must do now. "I imagine I don't have very long."

She felt a peculiar trust and lowered her guard. "I wouldn't think so. There's not much time now anyway! We need to be—" A rumble and shake cut her off as Bunny launched himself out of his rabbit hole and he tossed both boomerangs the man's way. Kozmotis became intangible by taking shadow form to avoid both. Bunny waited for him to fight back.

"I guess my other self made quite a few enemies, didn't he?"

"Bunny, wait! It's not Pitch." Elsa presented him the teeth, to which he instantly knew what it meant.

"Crikey...!" He caught both his weapons as they circled back to him. Just what was Manny thinking? "What's he saying to do now?"


Jack fled through the thickets of trees and deep snowfall. His panicked breathing made it hard to keep the baby calm, but in all honesty, keeping her alive was what mattered more. This wasn't the outskirts of Arendelle anymore, Jack had no clue where the portal had dropped him off! He circled in every direction to try and pick the best possible route of escape. He continued to shush the baby so it wouldn't be easy for Amelia to track him down.

"A cold, dark, painful place," he repeated North's words aloud, "well this is cold, dark, and painful!" He kept his voice at a minimum although he felt like shouting. Something glowed over his chest and he looked down to see the dagger shining a small beam of light again; it had been returned to its rightful owner, and so its true abilities were finally unleashed. The dagger showed him the way as he paced himself to follow while also trying not to stumble and fall with a baby in his arms.

Trials of the MoonlightWhere stories live. Discover now