Bare en Skremt Liten Gutt

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The sound of a snowstorm was rumbling outside. Emily was fast asleep. She was breathing peacefully, either having sweet dreams or no dreams at all. Jack didn't dare wake her then as he planted the tiniest kiss on her temple. It felt cold to her skin, but a small quiver in her cheek was her only response. "I love you." He mouthed noiselessly.

He was going to save her. Her and Sophie... and perhaps one other, although she never needed saving. He looked at Elsa's door; was there any need to tell her? He already knew she'd insist on going with him and only bring her into trouble too.

After how badly he'd screwed up his last task, there was no persuading him. Besides, he'd made a promise to Sophie he'd never leave her. He had to return, successful or no. He'd be no fool and know when to get the Hell out of there... he hoped.

Jack raised his head—he heard a sound other than the raging winds outside. He looked down and saw golden sand crawling out from under his mother's bedroom door. He knew who couldn't be far behind. Jack said nothing when Sandy appeared in the hallway, although he was surprised to see him. The little creature gestured to him as if to ask where he was going.

"I need to ask you a favor." Jack said ardently. "Keep an eye on my family. Make sure they sleep well... and long enough for me to take care of something." Sandy looked quizzical. "This time, it doesn't concern you." He started quietly down the corridor, but Sandy zoomed in front of his face and held out his palm, Stop! He was demanding as if he'd deciphered Jack's motives. Jack waved him away.

Sandman pulled on Jack's tunic, and then his mantle, all in feeble attempts to stop him. "Enough!" He yelled in a hushed voice. Right now, the Sandman was not an immortal being gifted with powers unimaginable to humans; he was just another soul that dared to test Jackson Overland's will. Sandman couldn't blame him—it was his defiant nature that had followed him for six centuries. The boy was always too headstrong for his own good. It's what caused all of this in the first place! This wasn't a task ordained by the Moon, but one Jack chose for himself. If he went against him so close to the night he became full again, the guardians were doomed!

Sandman prepared a handful of sleep dust and Jack stood still, only to conjure a flurry of snow in his palm. "Don't make me have to fight you!" Not much scared the Sandman, if anything at all, but the fierceness in Jack's eyes was unlike what he'd seen in the young man so far; he wasn't bluffing. Jack seized the opportunity and threw sleet in the Sandman's eyes, leaving him confused and disoriented.

By the time he regained sight, Jack was no longer in front of him. The Sandman turned around and waved his arms wildly; Don't go! But Jack was already down the darkened hall to the long, spiraling staircase. The Sandman panicked. What did he do? He had to make haste. He flew inside of Elsa's room. He'd just given her a sweet dream, too. Sandy was going against his own code by pulling her from it, but this was vital! He snapped his fingers over her head, but then remembered he didn't make any noise. What to do?

He gave her arm a pinch and the dream sand dissipated. "Huh?" She gasped awake. "What are you doing here?" Sandy tried to explain by making frantic gestures with his hands. "I don't know what that means." He tried making shapes over his head, but they were going so fast! "Whoa, slow down! What?" Sandy gave up and dragged her by the hand all the way to Jack's room.

Only Sophie was there, sleeping quite peacefully despite the awful events that had occurred. Elsa was still confused, but then she realized, "Where's Jack?" There was worry in her tone. Sandy pointed out the window; maybe she'd know where he was headed. Elsa only had a vague idea, but it was the only one that made sense: "Amelia." Elsa marched back to her room while knotting her hair back in a ponytail. "Why would he go alone?" She asked herself. She hastily threw on a cardigan over her nightgown and some shoes. "I'm gonna kill him when I find him!" She grumbled.

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