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"How bad does it look?" Nicholas asked the doctor. Agnarr was standing close by, and Iduna was making sure the family stayed busy so they wouldn't even notice Nicholas was missing. Nicholas had told a white lie when he said no one else knew; in fact, Agnarr was the first to notice his failing health and refer him to their best medic. Unfortunately, no modern medicine could cure what he had. Like Jack, the king and queen were sworn to secrecy out of respect for the older man who did so much for their town since arriving.

The man examined the growth on his side, it had swollen up more than the last time he'd seen it. "Well, there's no way it can look worse. But it'll keep growing if we leave it there. If we cut it out–"

"No. You said yourself it would prolong my death... If I'm to die, I might as well not give myself some false sense of security just because it's not there."

Agnarr remained quiet, eyes full of sadness.

"Have you told anyone other than your royal highnesses?"

"My son."

"But not your wife or daughter?"

"They take things so close to home, I wanted to give them one last good holiday." The doctor looked up at him with a telling expression. "...How much longer do you think I have?" He didn't answer right away, but Nicholas realized what it meant—there may be no holiday for him. Nicholas turned away, unable to take the eyes on him. "I'll take a remedy for the pain and be on my way."

"Mister Overland, please take some time to consider the surgery. I'm not saying it won't be painful and strenuous, nor that the recovery will be any better... but you'll have some extra time with your loved ones."

Nicholas grabbed his coat and put it back on. He took his bottles of medicine and hid them inside the pockets. Agnarr walked with him across the street; he'd told Sophie that if there was time, he'd meet her and Emily at the ice rink.

Agnarr had a few things to say. "I don't disagree with the doctor. I know the most painful part of this has to be leaving your family behind... I can't imagine choosing anything else."

"With all due respect, your Majesty, it isn't your decision to make."

"I know." Agnarr replied. They arrived at the ice rink. Emily was watching Sophie skate with the other children, and Elsa had also been performing magic tricks of her own every now and again. Jack wasn't the only one around here who could impress! The king trusted that Nicholas would make the right choice, he left right as Sophie happily noticed him.

"Dad, you came!" She zipped closer to him. "Watch these cool tricks I can do!" Nicholas eagerly obliged. She'd been showing off to her mother all morning.

Elsa stopped in her place and observed; they made each other so happy. She was startled when she felt a sudden surge of cold on her bottom!

A bit shocked, she turned and saw the culprit. "Jack, you...!"

"Sorry. Couldn't help myself."

Elsa didn't even mind it, it was just... "Not with all these kids around next time, okay?"

He laughed and played with her wisps of blonde hair. "Okay." He remembered his task, but how did he do this without sounding insane?

"Wanna skate?"

"Nah... hey, how about we go for a walk?"

"A 'walk?'" She played coy. Oftentimes that was their cue for sneaking away for some privacy, but this time Jack had other goals.

"No, really, a walk. There's something I have to tell you." He lightly squeezed both her hands.

"Something bad?"

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