Du Kommer Aldri Tilbake

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Jack and Elsa went straight for the headstone, clear as day in the falling snow, which seemed to be tumbling faster and faster. Elsa began to wonder if Jack was unconsciously causing it. Once they arrived, they only had to wait a few moments before they heard North's voice. "So, the second task has been finished?"

Tooth fluttered down to her tree shortly after. She was the one Jack was most worried about upsetting.

"No." He said. "Amelia knew I was coming, I didn't get whatever the page was asking for."

North was aghast. "You didn't complete the task?"

"He tried!" Elsa stepped forward. "He couldn't use his magic and she chased him out." Jack immediately looked guilty and everyone noticed. "Jack?" Elsa raised a brow, had he listened?

Tooth looked around suspiciously, "Jack? Where are my babies?" Her voice grew frantic.

"It was an accident! I had to get out quickly and–" He tried to explain, but then a familiar fluttering came from behind and gave him both relief and terror. A single baby fairy was barely hovering towards her master. Her wings were bent. She landed in Tooth's hands and whispered in her ear what had happened to her sisters. The longer she listened to her, the more sinister her face became until, finally, all of her feathers flared up and she bared her teeth with anger.

"You broke the rules!" She roared, pointing at Jack. North looked at both of them in disbelief.

"You didn't hear the things she made me listen to!" Jack cried. "I had to hear people I love dying! I lost control!"

Elsa looked shocked—why hadn't he told her before they got there?

"We've made a mistake!" Tooth came closer, nearly in tears as she held her remaining baby close.

"A mistake?" Elsa could barely hear her own voice.

North, meanwhile, was trying to find a more sensible approach, but Tooth's fury, though unheard of, was one that was unwavering. "You are no guardian!" Tooth shouted directly at Jack. "You will never return!"

Elsa got so close to the fairy that their faces nearly touched. "It wasn't his fault!" She yelled back. "I would like to see what you would have done in his situation!"

"Neither of you will ever be one of us!" She let out wrathful tears for her lost children.

"Fine!" Elsa stated, standing closer to a mortified Jack. He felt like the earth was swallowing him whole. It began to snow faster. "Why would we ever want to be like you? Something that punishes a child for a simple mistake? Or things that make others to their dirty work for them?"

Now North was offended. "You think we're sitting back comfortably while we let mortals do our job?" Right as the towering beast of a man got close, a golden light appeared between him and the two winter spirits. Sandy came to form and pushed both Tooth and North back away. "Sandy?"

Jack took a breath; he couldn't believe how happy he was to see the little golden man!

Sandman shook his head at the two guardians. He was appalled by their reactions. All it took was his disappointed glare to make the guardians stir where they stood. Tooth turned her head away in shame and North sighed. "We immortals do not understand the failings of humans... but we must always be forgiving." Sandman crossed his arms and nodded.

"I'm so sorry." Jack said to Tooth. "It was so dark and the things I saw, I–" Tooth still didn't want to hear any of it and she flew off; Jack looked heartbroken to have hurt her so. There was a rumble and from beneath the snow, Bunny finally appeared. He looked casual until he saw all the somber faces.

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