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It was finally the winter solstice, the longest night of the year... which meant Yule had begun.

Arendellians were thrilled to start celebrating and the roads were bustling with happy citizens. Night one was Mors Natt, which involved (for some) the worship of Frigg. Many Arendelle residents had strong ties to their Viking past, while some were more 'modern' in their practice of the holiday. Others, meanwhile, just wanted to eat and drink as much as they wanted!

It meant stealing sweets from the castle's dining tables before it was time to feast for Sophie and her friends. They stole some apples and gingerbread treats and hid them in their pockets or, in the girls' cases, their aprons. Sophie was content to eat with a napkin since she wasn't going to ruin her beautiful new dress!

"Kids!" Gerda exclaimed, "Not yet!" They all ran like wild geese with their goods in hand. She sighed and shook her head.

As they raced out into the courtyard, they nearly ran over Elsa and Jack as they scurried to get out the way. Elsa watched with confusion, Jack, entertained.

One slowed their steps and handed Jack a cookie, "Here! Got yours!" He chased after his friends. "Wait for me!"

"I can only imagine who put them up to that." Elsa gave Jack a look.

He played coy. "Kids, huh?" He broke it in half and gave her a piece. She supposed if she got a reward too, then she'll turn a blind eye this once. How did the palace chefs nail their gingerbread every year? Jack was less interested in the cookie and more in how she looked in her midnight-blue gown for this year's solstice party. "So... you think we can sneak in some extra festivities after the meal?"

She smirked at him, "Now how can I say 'no' when you bat those big blue eyes at me like that?" She pinched his cheek like an adoring mother.

At that, he rolled his eyes, but then he remembered. "Oh, can't forget your Yule present."

"My Yule present?"

"Yup!" He twirled his hand and created a necklace made out of ice, complete with a snowflake jewel, around her neck. "Ta-da!" He did something ridiculous like this every year and it was endearing every time.

"You're so sweet, I think I have a cavity."

"Actually, that's just from the gingerbread." He replied, mouth full. She pulled him down to the main hall where they were to help set up for the castle feast. It was an open holiday, so anyone that wanted to attend was welcome. It took Jack his second year there to get used to being surrounded by people, even with his powers under control, he didn't always know how to 'act' with townsfolk. There wasn't such a 'high standard' of class in his village that these people had, and how Jack behaved now reflected their monarchs! Something as simple as yawning could offend someone, which Jack often found himself doing when he had to sit through the church services.

Elsa really did appreciate how hard he tried to be to fit into the 'gentleman' persona he thought he needed to be, but the people of Arendelle liked him just fine as himself, even if he liked to annoy people for fun. She also knew how much Jack hated dressing up, but that he did it for her, which made it all the more heartwarming. Tonight was only the first night, though, so he could get away with something more casual. He just had to make it through church without nodding off. It was an art that took years of perfecting.

 It was an art that took years of perfecting

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