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Elsa, Bunnymund, and Kozmotis were led to the grove where the Moon had sent the other guardians. But it was not each other they were expecting to see; their primary person of interest was nowhere to be found.

"Kozmotis Pitchiner." North guessed upon looking at him for the first time.

The man, still in the form of Pitch Black, grinned, "Never have I been in the presence of such pleasant company, but I don't understand how our meeting here could possibly benefit your master."

Tooth's wings were still flapping rapidly, "He told us we'd find Jack here!"

Elsa shuddered, "What? We were told we'd find Amelia here."

Sandman sensed something and the group all turned towards the forest path. Stepping out from the shadows, Amelia found the seven characters waiting for her. She returned each of their hostile glances... but then she stopped and her eyes filled with the wonder only a child could have. To see such emotion in her was more disturbing than when she was angry.

"Father." She whispered as if he'd restored whatever was left of her shriveled, dead heart. Yes, to her, it was Pitch Black, but in his eyes was the familiar dismissiveness of a man who sneered at his old beliefs once he deserted them. The eyes who begged for a better life for his daughter whom he still loved despite it all. The eyes of one who'd died for her to his own abhorrent abominations.

None but Kozmotis moved towards Amelia, who still carried her test subject. Now the guardians knew why they'd been called here... but if Amelia had the baby now and not Jack, then—

"The child." Kozmotis held his arms expectantly to his daughter. Amelia didn't know why it was his first concern, but she handed her over. He turned and handed the baby to North, who accepted. Of course; he was a guardian, and innocents were what he protected. Tooth, Bunny, and Sandy hovered around to check if she was all right. Sandman used his magic to ease her to sleep.

Elsa's thoughts were in a frenzy as she thought of what awful things she must have put that child through! Looking back at the two dark figures, she watched as Amelia began to blurt out, "I've learned so much from your old journals and lessons. Even you'll be impressed by what I can do now. Finally, this world will know what an age of dark is. We won't be shadows anymore!" These were just the hopes and wants of a madwoman—they held no weight.

Bunny caught something out of the corner of his eye. "Princess, your ring!" She looked down and saw the band and crystal, which had been tenderly made with her in mind, beginning to dissolve into tiny snowflakes. Her expression broke as she realized what was happening.

"Your Royal Highness." Kozmotis called as if sensing her distress. With heavy, shallow breaths, Elsa stepped closer, unable to hide all the loathing she had for the witch. "Amelia, I'll be needing that dagger. It can be used for much more than blood magic."

Not even the centuries-old necromancer would think not to trust her father; she handed the blade to him and he observed it, even playfully poking his finger to the tip. "It's been used to capture souls, hasn't it?" He asked—he already knew, but this was meant to clue Elsa into what must be done. "I've taught you well." He disguised his voice with pride.

That was all she wanted to hear! She wanted the world to hear it! For Pitch Black had lived through her, and at last, he was marveling at her work. "Yes." His spirit filled her, made her whole. "Father, the night of the full moon is a most ripe time for a blood ritual. It was fate you return to me on this night. We'll be Lords of Darkness. Our names will be told for years—"

"No." Elsa interrupted. Kozmotis handed her the dagger, fear completely absent from his face. She began to freeze the weapon solid in her hands. All the glee drained from Amelia's face. For the first time in her life, she was afraid. "No one will remember you." With the might of her heartbreak, Elsa shattered the blade into hundreds of pieces. Such a seemingly mundane act caused the shriek of Amelia's soul to spread into the sky and then her body to crumble into dust. With satisfaction, Kozmotis Pitchiner went with her; perhaps, after all this time, he'd truly redeemed himself. Now they could rule the underworld for all time, just as she wanted.

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