Vuggevise og Godnatt

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Jack woke up from his uncomfortable dreams when a servant knocked on his door the following morning. He was so disoriented for a moment that he forgot he wasn't alone—Elsa moaned and rubbed her eyes. The moment he felt her move he gasped and scared both of them! They were both discombobulated... and still undressed. Someone knocked again, "Jackson?" Called a voice.

"Yes?" He said, his voice raspy from sleep.

"I'm sorry to wake you, but you've been called to the study."

Elsa kept quiet, but she wrinkled her brow at Jack. He shrugged; he had no idea either. "I'll be there in a minute." He went ahead and got dressed while Elsa rested a while longer. Besides, if anyone were to see them leave his chamber together, they knew that the staff would gossip. And quite frankly, it was none of their business.

Jack didn't know who had called him so early in the morning, but he didn't want to keep them waiting. Once he looked and felt presentable, he proceeded to the main hall where he heard the awful sounds of someone crying. Jack swung the door open to see Sophie a complete mess as she sobbed into her balled fists. Emily's own face was flushed and wet as well. Sitting beside her, with a stone-cold expression, was Nicholas. Jack knew, he hated that he already knew... he couldn't pretend this was his first time hearing about his father's health... but having to sit there and listen to how there was a tumor growing, that the disease had spread more quickly than the doctor had anticipated, was absolute torture.

Now they weren't sure he'd make it to the new year.

When it got to the topic of surgery, Emily said, "Sophie, go downstairs for breakfast."

"But why?" She argued through a fit of tears.

"Because I'm your mother and I'm telling you to."

Jack both wanted to offer to walk down with her and to stay and listen. He was considered an 'adult' now by their standards, but parents never stopped protecting their children from certain things, no matter their age. For now, he did what would be easier on both of his parents and he stood up and reached for Sophie's hand. "Come on, I'll take you." The girl refused his hand and she instead stormed out of the room. Jack looked back at his parents, what did he do?

"Go. Let us speak." Nicholas bid. Jack felt a twinge of betrayal at that—he'd told him his secret before them and now he was pushing him away? He'd be mad later, his sister shouldn't be alone right now. Jack didn't find her in the dining hall, but in her own room where she'd locked herself away to cry alone. Jack knew Sophie's stubbornness; if she didn't want to see anyone, she wouldn't.

She'll come out when she's ready. She knows I'm here for her.

"Jack?" Elsa's voice caught his attention. "What's going on?" There was distress evident in her voice; she'd heard Sophie in hysterics, and Jack's pained look didn't make things any clearer. At least now he could be open with her about it...


"Eat something." Elsa bid as they sat in the dining hall.

"I'm not hungry." Jack answered. How could he eat when he was so distraught?

Elsa couldn't think of anything reassuring; all the bad news had been laid out right in front of them, it was the point of no return. If he wouldn't eat, then neither would she. She would go through this with him if it would help. How could anyone have an appetite after hearing such news? Worse, why did it have to be so close to Yule? It was always Jack's favorite holiday... now every year he would only think of this. They were gently hopeful that Nicholas could brave through the holiday despite the doctor's predictions, but didn't bother fully convincing themselves.

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