My Fate

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 Huening Kai washed the sheets quickly and efficiently, just like he always did. The servant always smiled while he was doing his tasks, he always loved to help. Always greeted the other servants, helping them whenever possible. Although he always felt intimidated next to the members of the royalty, he never disrespected them, and every time he could, he would sing beautifully. However, lately Huening Kai has been acting in an unusual way...

 He didn't smile like he always use to. He didn't talk like he always did. He just kept doing his tasks silently and even more quickly, as if he didn't want to be there any longer or as if he wanted to go somewhere else as soon as possible. The other servants were worried, but since everyone knew that Huening Kai was the prince Soobin's personal servant, they decided not to interfere.

 After finishing washing and hanging the sheets to the sun, Huening Kai headed to the upper garden to take care of the flowers. He did the usual, watered every single one of them, trimmed some unnecessary leaves, changed the earth of some flowerpots etc. That was a quiet place, and it was good. Huening Kai just needed the silence at that moment.

 Huening Kai sat in a bank under the shadow of an apple tree and breathed heavily, yearning for the time to pass. He always loved to think about stuff, however, at that moment, the last thing Kai wanted was to think. If he thought, he would remember. If he remembered, it would hurt. He didn't want to feel hurt anymore.

 A few minutes later he heard voices not too far from him, they were coming from the other side of the viridary, behind some trees and decorative hedges, which made it impossible for Kai to see whom those voices belonged to.

 At lunch time, Huening Kai grabbed a red apple from one of the branches above him. Usually he would lunch with the other servants, and one time or another he would bring his food to the garden in which he was standing on to eat on his own, but for some reason, he wasn't hungry at all, however, he knew that it wouldn't be healthy if he didn't eat anything, that's why he opted for the apple.

 After lunch, Huening Kai returned to do his other tasks that he was in charge of. He dusted off a few statues of the open areas, cleaned some armors that decorated the hallways etc. He finished everything in a few hours, then returned to the garden, staying there, observing the flowers.


 When Soobin got to his room, he slammed the door, making sure everyone around could hear the loud sound, then he laid on his bed, sighing deeply.

 Why things had to be like that? Taehyun was in fact being insensitive towards Soobin's feelings and choices, but the prince couldn't deny that the counselor was just cherishing for the kingdom and for everyone that lived in it. He was right, after all. Taehyun was always right. Soobin was the prince, he had to act as such.

 Soobin turned his head to the side, looking at the small chair beside his nightstand, it was empty, but it was as if Soobin was seeing Huening Kai laying there, just like he was in that morning. Soobin was the prince... He had to marry another prince or a princess, that's the reality he had to face. And this reality was painful.

 The words he uttered to Taehyun were truthful, he took them from his very heart. What he felt for Huening Kai was something pure, something that he knew he wouldn't feel for anyone else. What that boy could make the prince feel was just... Unique. Huening Kai was the only one who could make Soobin feel happy the way he really wanted.

 And exactly because of this fact...

 ...That his heart was hurting even more.


Melody of The Crowns //SooKai|BinKai\\ English Ver.Where stories live. Discover now