Chapter Eight

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Ashley's P.O.V
A.N P.O.V goes back to when he woke up.

I woke up to a slight noise across the room. 'What? I swear I didn't hook up last night. Where am I?' I thought slowly opening my eyes. I turned my head towards the noise I had heard. 'Fuck...' I thought when I saw Seriya's topless back. I let out a low whistle before I even thought about it.

"Well this is a nice way to wake up, but you know how you can make it better babe?" I said smirking slightly. She's really hot. She tugged her shirt on and turned around.

"Well you could have done that without the shirt," I said with a smirk.

"Nah I'm good. But um... could you turn please I still need to change my pants." She said.

"Sure." I said turning to face away from her.

"Please don't look."

"I promise I won't, just tell me when you're done." I said reassuring her. She seemed a little self conscious. After she was done she told me I could turn around. She was blushing pretty hard, it was kind of adorable.

"Aww are you embarrassed? No need babe. But I must say you've got a nice back." I said trying to put her at ease. I gestured for her to come and sit. She sat down but was still looking down. I lifted her face to look at me. 'Wow' my mind thought as I looked her over. My gaze stopped at her lips. I quickly looked back to her eyes but only to find myself looking back at her mouth. I felt myself lean in slightly. She started to lean in too I think. Then she backed up looking away from me. 'Shit. I went too far this time. Ugh I'm so stupid. I'll definitely be hearing from Andy.' I thought as I went to apologize.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have--" I started but she cut me off.

"No it's alright, I just don't think I'm ready too jump back in."

"I understand completely." I said. She got up and gave me a quick hug before leaving the room.

What just happened? Why did I do that? I barely know her. 'Like that's ever mattered before' my mind threw back at me. I need to stop coming on to her like that, she just got out of a relationship. I'm not that much of a dick 'then why are you doing this'. What is going on with me... or is it her? She seems to be dropping signals, but I swear she was all over Andy last night. They seemed to get really attached to one another, everyone could see the chemistry they had when they sang together. Why am I involved all of a sudden? A girl has never made me question things this much before. "Okay slow it down. What do I feel towards her?" I asked myself out loud as I got out of the bed. I started to remake the bed since I didn't want to make Shawna do it. I tried not to fret to much about Seriya, I was probably just having a very bizarre hangover, 'you aren't that stupid; you know that's not the case,' my mind chucked back at me. Was I really having an internal battle right now?

I pushed Seriya out of my mind and started to get ready, I quickly went to use the bathroom only to run into Jinnx.

"Hey man," he said clearly taking notice of which room I was walking out from. He gave me a questioning look, sighing when I didn't start to explain why I was in Seriya's room.

"Did you two?" he said staring at me like how a parent would look at their toddler when they did something bad, but didn't have the capabilities of being mad at them.

"No, I swear. I just went to talk to her last night and we must have fallen asleep. Nothing happened." I said making sure to keep looking at him and to keep my voice steady.

"Okay because after last night... one, that would be a lot of heartbreak. Two, I think there might be something starting up between her and Andy.... and three, I think Andy would have killed you." he said chuckling slightly. I looked down trying not to laugh at the idea of Andy getting pissed at me. The last time Andy was 'pissed' at me he had been completely drunk. The arguement was quite hilairious since he couldn't come up with a coherent sentence. Everytime I thought of Andy pissed at me I remember that night. There had only been one time in particular when Andy, and let's face it, all the other guys were really pissed with me; that was years ago. I had fucked up bad that day. They had nearly kicked me out of the band. It was serious which made me sort out my ways just a bit. You know remain a ladies man but not go too far and hurt someone.

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