Chapter 7 - Friends

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"You wanted to see me Professor?" Harry asked walking into the headmistresses office. McGonagall was sat behind her desk, a huge smile on her face.

"Yes, Mr Potter. I just wanted to see how your first week has gone?"

"Yeah it's been brilliant, thank you so much for organising this." Harry was seriously thankful for this year, a welcome relief from the war and the trials.

"And how are you in yourself Mr Potter?" McGonagall asked, a soft smile and caring eyes.

"It's been tough to be honest with you Professor, the guilt and the panic comes and goes. I feel like I'm not in control of my life you know?" Harry admitted with his eyes looking to the floor.

"I understand Mr Potter, You should find an activity you like doing, Something you enjoy to keep you busy. What about Quidditch, you could get back into that? Or perhaps helping to take care of those creatures Hagrid has for the classes?"

"Maybe." Harry replied, a little lacklustre. "I should find something."

"You will Mr Potter, would you like a cup of tea, or maybe biscuit? We can talk for as long as you'd like?" McGonagall offered sweetly.

"Sure yeah thank you Professor, I have an hour before the start of my next class." Harry gave a genuine smile.

The two sat for around about an hour chatting like old friends, from everything between Harry's classes and the reconstruction of the castle. It was nice to have someone who cared about him, that was genuinely interested in what he had to say.

After a quick hour of talking and tea and biscuits, Harry stood from the chair he was in, giving a small smile to the elderly witch he was sat opposite.

"I should really be getting to my next class now Professor, it was lovely to chat." He said, it really was.

"Okay Mr Potter, I should get down to my transfiguration class with the fourth years, it was nice seeing you again. I'll call for you again sometime."

"I'd love that, see you later Professor." Harry left, giving her another small smile and little wave. He left down the corridors thinking of how nice it was to have people in his life who cared for him and how he wanted to find something, anything, that he really loved doing.


Harry arrived back to his room, classes for the day being done and he was utterly exhausted to be quite honest, yet was surprised when he walked through the door, a pair of grey eyes were looking at him from the bed on the other side of the room. He hasn't seen Draco actually in their room all week.

"Hey Malfoy, you okay?" Harry asked, trying to be nice.

"Fine thank you." Draco replied, quietly.

"I heard you apologised to Hermione, that was good of you." Harry said eyeing Draco as he sat extremely stiff on the bed, almost like he was hiding something.

"She deserved an apology." Malfoy spoke quietly then was again, very quiet.

Draco's hands were shaking but Harry noticed more, the pained expression on Draco's face, the way Draco was grasping his wrist. Slowly Harry walked over to Draco where he was sat on his bed and knelt down next to him.

"Draco, are you okay? what's happened..?" As Harry was speaking he noticed that blood was starting to drip from Draco's hands.

"Draco?" Harry started to panic, it was a lot of blood. Draco said nothing, just closed his eyes trying to stop the tears from falling.

"Let me see your wrist." Draco obliged when Harry took his hand flipping it over. A huge cut ran across the Dark Mark staining his wrist. It was accompanied by smaller white slashes, he's obviously gone this before.

"Oh Draco, let's get you cleaned up."

Harry stood Draco up, arm wrapped around his waist. He could feel his ribs through his robes as if he were wasting away into nothing. Harry led him to sit on a small stool next to the sink while they wash the blood away and repair that damage to Draco's dainty wrist.

After cleaning up his wounds and performing a few basic healing spells, they both moved back to the bedroom where Harry lay Draco on his bed. Moving to get him a glass of water before sitting on the edge of his bed, to make sure he was alright.

"How long have you done this Draco?" Harry motioned to Draco's wrists.

"I'm sorry, for about a year now. I'm sorry." Draco was softly crying, it made Harry's heart hurt a little. Draco was obviously in more pain than he thought.

Without thinking Harry began stroking his hair softly, "It's okay love, don't cry." He began to comfort, not even realising the pet name, Draco did however, his eyes snapping open but he didn't say anything. He lay on the bed just letting Harry comfort him.

After 20 minutes of laying together on the old, little bed. Hands running through silver-blonde hair, Draco sat up slightly, grey eyes looking deep into green. "I want to apologise to you Harry. I'm sorry for everything and..."

"You don't need to apologise Draco. We'll start new, if you'd like. As friends?" It was sudden, and he wasn't sure why he was saying this to Draco. Did he want to be friends with him? Probably not, but he certainly didn't want Draco to suffer any further.

"You mean it?" Draco sounded small, unsure. It was sad and almost cute. If Harry's heart was ice cream, it would certainly have melted.

"I mean it, but you have to promise me that if you ever feel low, or if anyone's being mean to you, you'll tell me. Friend's help each other." Harry gave Draco a pointed look, he didn't want any more pain.

"I will, thank you..." As he was speaking Draco's stomach let out a huge growl. Clearly very hungry.

"What luck, just in time for dinner. Will you come down with me Draco? Try and eat something?" He gave Draco a reassuring smile and a light squeeze of his hand.

"I will if you sit next to me." Draco laughed a little, a lovely sound to Harry's ears. Perfect almost.

"Of course I will, now let's go get you something to eat yeah?" Both boys stood up from the bed they were occupying and began making their way out of the door, ready to go to their first meal as friends.


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