✨Hungover And Anxious!✨

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Warning this chapter may contain inappropriate language and mature content.


Bakugou's pov

*Setting - Bakugou is asleep in his clothes from last night, in Kirishima's leather sofa as everyone else stands awake, wondering whether to wake him.*

I peel my eyes open, looking around the room I'm in. I notice faces stood staring at me and a banging in my head sets in.

I quickly pull my thumb out from my mouth and reach up to touch my head. I groan before recognising the people as my stupid idiots. I drop the stuffy that I'm clutching and looking up at them.

"Good morning Bakubro!" Shitty hair exclaim with his usual smile.

"Why are you so loud" I complain still holding my head as I continue to glare up at him.

"Oh sorry.. you're hung over" shitty hair says and I look confused.

"How the fuck.. I didn't even drink shitty hair!" I yell aggravated and in pain.

"Um.. Kamibro kinda.. ya know.. spiked your drink" shitty hair says and I glare at that wannabe Pikachu.

"Fucking Dunce Face! I'll kill you" I exclaim tugging him forwards, he slips in to my lap.

"At least I wasn't the one acting like a child!" He teases and I growl, blushing lightly, before shoving him out of my lap and watching him hit the floor.

"It only happens when drunk.. that's why I don't drink!" I exclaim crossing my arms and looking away.

"M'kay Bakubro! Here's some milk and honey.. I read somewhere that it helps with hangovers!" Shitty hair exclaims handing me a yellow water bottle with the milk inside.

"You couldn't have put it in a glass?" I ask snatching it from him, my main concern being that I slip from the type of bottle given.

"That was Mina's idea" Flex tape says coming down from the ceiling, using his quirk that is.

"Racoon eyes" I growl out and she giggles.

"Just drink your milk Bakuhoe" she says in a baby voice, making if harder for me not to slip.

"Fine, but none of you are going to be cooking breakfast cause I don't feel like putting any fires out today!" I exclaim and they all nod, sheepishly smiling.

"Sure bro!" Shitty hair exclaims and I glare before looking at the milk.

I slowly drink the milk, trying to stop my self from slipping at the delicious taste. Milk and honey just makes me sleepy again, I always have it before nap time and before going nuh nights.

I finish the milk and sit watching the latest news. All Might had a mission last night, took on two villains and the sludge monster..

I begin to get flashbacks. Remembering and reliving times I hate to even think about. I look down, trying to hide my glassy eyes as I gather my things from around shitty hair's living room.

I grab my phone before getting my shoes on and running out. I run home, my head still aching and head space threatening to invade.

I run in to my house and slam the front door shut as I enter.

"Brat!" The hag yells as I enter.

"Hag?" I call back, entering the living room.

"Where have you been?!" She yells, my mum's not bad she's just.. doesn't understand and know how to express her emotions.

"I was with the bros, ya know.. me, Shitty hair, Pikachu, Scotch tape and Racoon eyes" I explain and she nods cracking a small smile.

"As long as your safe" she says and ruffles my hair.

"Of course mum" I say and she nods.

"Go on brat, get lost" she says and I let my smile fall.

"Yeah yeah, whatever hag" I say before walking off.

I head up to my room and slip out of last night's clothes, changing in to my softer clothes. A pastel blue shirt, purple over sized jacket and some black, high waisted shorts.

I chew in the sleeve to my jacket as I look around for my baba. I find a note under it on my desk. I wander over, curiousity filling my body and drawing me in.

"I cleaned it for you kiddo - M" is what's written in the page of plain A5 paper.

I shrug it off and pick my baba up, popping the steriliser lid off and then putting the silicon end in to my mouth, beginning to suck in my sooth and clam my nerves from today and last night.

I let my mind wander as I begin to slip nicely in to my head space, looking around at my softly coloured room. It's organisation causing a sense of satisfaction to settle in my stomach.

I pick out a colouring book and grab my washable, child friendly, markers before going to sit on my bed. I wrap blankets around myself and getting comfy with Flopsie.

I sit her in my lap and show her my new colouring book. It's spring themed with pretty flowers I can colour in. I gently go around the shapes and add colour, asking for Flopsie's opinion on each colour.

I'm startled out of my peaceful state by yelling. My parents.. I whimper and move the pens and colouring book aside before laying down on my bed and cuddling Flopsie for safety.

They argue a lot. Something about my mother being too cold hearted and causing my bad mental health. It's probably true though. I've never been comforted by her through out my whole life and rarely ever complimented.

It strange to me when she says or does something nice, it never lasts either however. I've gotten used to never been enough for my mother.. I thought anyways but I always catch myself trying to improve.

The yelling soon stops and I sniffle, letting the tears silently slip down my cheeks before widening my eyes as my mother yells a few scary words.

"I'm sending Kirishima up!" She yells and I shoot up out of bed, hearing the footsteps quickly ascending up the stairs.

I freeze up and gulp, watching the door handle lower down and the door slowly open as Kirishima calls to me in his usual, happy tone...


Heya cubs! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm not too sure how long this book will be but I hope you stay till the end. This is officially a Kamibaku book. Kaminari is the top, Bakugou is obviously the bottom. I hope you guys accept the ship! <3

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