✨The Squad's Discovery ✨

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Warning this chapter may contain inappropriate language and mature content.


Kaminari's pov

*Setting - the Bakusquad are hanging out in Kaminari's dorm when they decide they want to go and annoy their favourite explosive boy*

"We should go see if Blasty wants hang with us!" Mina exclaims as she tightens the cap back in to her bottle of cola.

"Hell yeah!" I exclaim finishing my fifth can of monster.

"Wait, it's quite late so he might be sleeping" Kirishima says putting a chocolate bar down.

"Well lets wake him!!!" Sero exclaims being slightly high.

We all laugh and stumble our way down the hall, passing all of our class mates dorms and probably waking those who were sleeping.

We go up to Bakugou's floor and laugh as Sero falls out the elevator. I wheeze as Mina lays down on the floor, laughing with him.

Once we contain ourselves we continue our way to Bakugou's dorm. Mina giggles as she leans against the door and it falls open. She lands on the floor and Sero gasps and helps her up but laughs with the rest of us.

We look up and flick Bakugou's bedroom lights on but gape at the sight of the room once the light fills the room.

Toys, books and teddy bears are scatted across the room along with clothes and bottles. Bakugou is in his bed, curled up in a ball and whimpering as he tosses and turns.

Kirishima snaps us back to reality as he trips over a book and falls. That causes Bakugou to sit up straight with a gasp, his eyes dashing around the room as he begins to sob and rock himself back and forth.

"Hey.. it's okay Katsuki.. it's just Kirishima" Kirishima says softly as he quickly approaches the sobbing blonde.

My heart rate quickens, my anxiety bubbles as I stare in shock not exactly knowing what to do or how to help.

"Pwease, don't wet dem take me!" The blonde cries out in such a vulnerable voice.

"I won't.. shhhh.. it's okay little one" Kirishima says, soothing the little until he stops crying.

Bakugou is an age regresses? So L. Gear stands for little gear. Cute..

"What happened?" Kirishima asks handing Bakugou a white and blue decorated binky.

"I had scawy dweam" he mumble and I quietly walk over to the bed.

"Hey little one.. is it okay if I call you Katsuki" I say softly and he looks up at me excitedly nods. "Where's the bunny stuffy you love?" I ask softly, remembering the time Katsuki came back from the shops and took a bunny teddy from my hands.

"Umm.. Fwopsie wiwl be awound somewhewe hewe" Katsuki says looking around his big bed.

I peep down the side and notice a grey object. I smile and pull it out and hold it up. Katsuki's eyes light up when he sees the bunny.

"I think we should wash her first.. she's a bit dirty" I say softly and he nods and pouts.

"You wanna come with us?" Mina asks and Katsuki looks up at the two stood just behind me.

"Yuhuh!" He exclaims excitedly and makes grabby hands towards me.

Kirishima smirks at me and I softly before picking Katsuki up. I'm surprised by how light he is.

We wander down to the elevator and go down to our floor before stepping out and heading to the launderette. I sit Katsuki on one of the washing machines as I set up the washer. I put it on for a warm, short cycle and put some child friendly fabric softener in with it.

"I made some milk and honey" Kirishima says coming in with a bottle.

"Botbot" Katsuki whines making grabbing hands up at it.

"Manners Katsuki" I say softly and he gasps before nodding.

"Pwease can me have botbot Kiwi" he says and I smile as Kirishima ruffles his hair and hands the bottle to him.

I scoop Katsuki up and gently rock him on my hip as he giggles and drinks the milk. There's a pause of silence followed by a new warmth to my hip.

"Erm.." Katsuki says nervously and I gasp feeling a warm liquid soak through my shirt.

"Katsuki.. did you go potty in your pants?" I ask and he bites his lip and fiddles with his fingers.

"Y-yeah.. m'sowwy don't punish me pwease!" Katsuki exclaims and I sigh.

"I'm not gonna punish you, c'mon.. let's run a bath and get you cleaned up" I say softly and he nervously nods.

I go back to Katsuki's dorm as Kirishima and Mina stay to clean the launderette and move the stuffy from the washer to the dryer.

I bath Katsuki with his consent, making sure I'm not pushing any boundaries. Sero brings up a new shirt for me and some pull ups, which I asked him to go out and buy.

"Katsuki, sweetie, I'm gonna put you in this m'kay?" I say and he looks at it, pouts and nods.

"B-but.. do-don't make fun" Katsuki whispers and I pout.

"Why would I make fun of a cutie like you?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Well I promise I won't make fun" I say softly and he nods.

I pull the pull up on to his and then dress him in to a tiger onesie. He giggles as I kiss his stomach before zipping the onesie all the way up.

With that Kirishima and Mina walk in together with the clean stuffy.

"Fwopsie!" He exclaims excitedly and springs to his feet.

"You look so cute" I say softly and Kirishima hands the stuffy to the blonde.

He kisses the bunny before turning around to face me. He yawns and rubs his eyes and I coo at the sight.

"I think it's time to go back to bed little one" I say softly and he nods.

"B-but.. cwan ou sweep wiv me.. so I don't get scawy dweam again!" Katsuki exclaims and I nod, leading him over to the bed and picking his binky up off the floor.

I let him slide in to his bed and cuddle up to his sheet before climbing in besides him. He instantly cuddles against my chest and sucks on the binky.

I wave the squad out as Katsuki begins to fall asleep and they all silently back out. Kirishima smiles, waves and flicks the lights off.

"Sleep well little one" I say softly and a soft snores leaves the blonde making me smile.


Hay cubs! I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you had a lovely weekend!!

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