✨Food Poisoning✨

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Warning this chapter may contain inappropriate language and mature content.

Tw - emetophobia


Denki's pov

*Setting - it's the middle of the night and Bakugou was sleeping peacefully asleep in Kaminari's arms*

I roll over with a groan, looking at the clock. 4:32am. I'm alerted by groaning from the bathroom, follows by gagging and coughing.

I pull myself out of bed, quickly, and rush to the bathroom. I find Katsuki hunched over the toilet. He's gripping at his stomach as he also grips the toilet bow.

"Baby" I say softly as I sit down besides him and rub his back.

"D-Denki.." he stammers out, sweating heavy. His stomach continuously gurgling and churning.

"Have you finished throwing up for now?" I ask softly and he nods running a hand through his sweat drenched hair.

I wipe his mouth before flushing the toilet and hanging the bathroom bin to him as I guide him back to bed.

"Kat, baby, will you be okay here on your own for a little. I need to go inform Sensei that your sick" I say softly and he nods sitting in the bed, cradling the bin as his eyes continuously droop shut.

"Y-yeah.." he says quietly but his voice shakes and breaks.

I quickly rush down to Aizawa Sensei's room and knock on the door. I hear light moans but brush it off and knock harder.

"Who is it!" A grumpy Aizawa calls to me and I clear my throat.

"Um Sensei.. it's Denki" I say and Aizawa soon comes to the door as he ties a dressing gown around his body. I peep in to the room and spot Mic sprawled across the bed, naked with a pillow covering his lower half.

"What Kaminari, it's 4am!" Aizawa complains and I fiddle with my fingers.

"Um.. I think Katsuki might have a stomach bug or something, he's been really sick" I say and he sighs rubbing his eyes.

"Sensei!" Mina yells in a quiet whisper as she comes running over. "Jirou is being sick!" She exclaims and he groans.

"Anyone else?" He asks and soon enough Kirishima is coming down the hall with a bottle of water.

"Why are you two out of bed? Don't tell me your sick too!" He whines seeing us and both me and Mina shake our heads.

"No, it's Katsuki and Jirou actually" I say and he nods rubbing his temples.

"Sero.. he's got diarrhea, badly too" Kirishima says and soon enough another door clicks open.

Katsuki enters the hall, clutching the bin in his arms as he stumbles down to come to me.

"Kat, go back to bed" I say softly, quickly going over to him.

He puffs his cheeks out and shoves his head in to the bin, dry heaving and choking back sobs as the sound of puke slushes around with in the plastic bag.

"It's okay babe.. let's go back to bed" I say softly and he whimpers rubbing his stomach.

"I think it's food poisoning.." Sensei mumbles looking at the state Katsuki's in.

"Denki.. I'm thirsty" Katsu whines as I reach our door.

"Go sit in the bed and I'll fetch you some water" I say softly.

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